
Static website for sih2022 kudacam entry

demo here: https://kudacam.netlify.app/

Maintainer Vighnesh Manjrekar


KickStart to Open Source Event

What is Hacktoberfest?

A month-long celebration from October 1st - 31st sponsored by Digital Ocean and GitHub to get people involved in Open Source.

How to Participate

How to create an issue?

New Issue

if you find any new issue or any bug in the code itself then,

  1. Click on new issue present on the top right side of the issue tab of this repository.
  2. Add title and discription of issue that you want to raise and ask the maintainer to assign the issue.
  3. Click on Submit New Issue option. Now you have raised a new issue, wait for the maintainer to assign it and you are good to go.

Existing Issue

if you want to work on an existing issue that has not been assigned then,

  1. Go in the issue tab of this repository.
  2. Choose the issue that you want to work on.
  3. Click on that issue and in the comments ask the maintainer to assign you that particular issue.
  4. Lastly click on comment and wait for the issue to be assigned by the maintainer.

How to create a Pull Request?

Once the issue is assigned

  • Fork the repo.
  • Clone repo locally using the command
  git clone git@github.com:@Your-Username/kudamcam.git
  • After cloning make sure you create a new branch by using
 git checkout -b <branch-name>
  • After making changes or modification on to your code locally, you need to add these files to the staging area.
  git add .
  • Once files added, you need to commit the changes to with an appropriate commit message.
  git commit -m "<commit-message>"
  • After commiting the changes, you need to push the changes
   git push origin <branch-name>
  • Once you push the changes to your repository, the Compare & pull request button will appear in GitHub.

  • Type a proper description and give the PR an appropriate title. Finally, Open a pull request by clicking the Create pull request button.

  • That's it. You have opened a PR. Wait for it to get merged.

Specifically for Hacktoberfest:

Your PR must be created between October 1 and October 31 (in any time zone, UTC-12 thru UTC+14).

Your PR must be made to a public, unarchived repository.