City Explorer (API)

Author: Anvay Bhanap Version: 2.0.0 (increment the patch/fix version number if you make more commits past your first submission)


This website is perfect for people who are interested in traveling in a post-COVID world and want to know more about the places they're interested in visiting.

Getting Started


  • JavaScript
  • Express.js
  • Node dotenv
  • Node cors
  • Node axios
  • Movie API from TMDB
  • Weather API from Weatherbit

Change Log

Wireframe Model

whiteboard lab08

Credit and Collaborations

  • Matt Cho
  • Jesse Dills
  • Tianyi Ma
  • David Whitmore

July 20

Name of feature: Setup

Estimate of time needed to complete: 1 hr

Start time: 1:00pm

Finish time: 2:30pm

Actual time needed to complete: 1.5 hrs

Name of feature: Weather

Estimate of time needed to complete: _____

Start time: 2:30pm

Finish time: 11:15pm (with a couple of hours in between)

Actual time needed to complete: 6 hrs

Name of feature: Errors

Estimate of time needed to complete: 1.5 hrs

Start time: 7:00pm

Finish time: 8:00pm

Actual time needed to complete: 1 hr

July 21

Name of feature: Weather

Estimate of time needed to complete: 2 hrs

Start time: 4:00pm

Finish time: 11:30pm (with break in between of a few hours)

Actual time needed to complete: 6 hrs

Name of feature: Movies

Estimate of time needed to complete: 2 hrs

Start time: 4:00pm

Finish time: 11:30 pm (with break in between of a few hours)

Actual time needed to complete: 6 hrs

Name of feature: Publish

nothing renders; still need to work on frontend and deploy and push backend to Heroku

Estimate of time needed to complete:

Start time:

Finish time:

Actual time needed to complete: