Computer Systems Principles and Programming (essentially Operating Systems and C Programming II)
These are all the assignments I wrote for the CSSE2310 course at The University of Queensland in S1 2023.
- a1: NYT Wordle type command line game
- a2: 'The Bomb' assignment - debugging compiled code with unseen C code to solve for a series of secret codes needed to defuse.
- a3: Replicating the faculty test program used to evaluate student submission of assignment a1 against the known-good exemplar implementation across a wide array of custom test cases.
- a4: A multi-threaded server and client program that provides clients the ability to encrypt or brute force crack passphrases using the (now security-outdated) libcrypt POSIX library.
"Systems Programming in C. Operating Systems Principles: memory management, basics of machine organization, file systems, processes & threads, interprocess communication. Computer Networks Principles: topologies & models of computer networks, protocols, network programming, network applications."