Make .Net Core apps with Electron/Vue front-end!
- Setup for communiciation between GUI (Electron) and API (.Net Core)
- Basic project structure with a single
setup - Detailed documentation (for electron-vue)
- Project scaffolding using vue-cli
- Ready to use Vue plugins (axios, vue-electron, vue-router, vuex)*
- Installed vue-devtools and devtron tools for development
- Ability to easily package your electron app using electron-packager or electron-builder*
- Ability to produce web output for browsers
- Use of webpack and vue-loader with Hot Module Replacement
- Process restarting when working in main process
- HTML/CSS/JS pre-processor support with vue-loader
- ES6 with
by default - Use of
to remove the need of transpiling completely down to ES5 - ESLint
- Unit Testing (with Karma + Mocha)\
- End-to-end Testing (with Spectron + Mocha)\
- You also need the latest .Net Core 2.0 SDK.
- The use of
or higher required. electron-vue also officially recommends theyarn
package manager as it handles dependencies much better and can help reduce final build size withyarn clean
cd project/src/api
dotnet restore
dotnet publish -r win10-x64 --output bin/dist/win
cd project/
yarn run dev
run unit & end-to-end tests
npm test
#lint all JS/Vue component files in src/
npm run lint