
使用GitHub API 搭建一个可动态发布文章的博客

Primary LanguageVueMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0


目录 Catalog

简介 Introduction

博客基于 GitHub Pages 与 Github API 实现无后台,可动态发布博客的系统
博客数据储存于gist 通过Github API 进行增删改查

Endearing blog system.
Blog system based on GitHub Pages and Github API to implement a system which can dynamically publish blogs without a back-end.
Blog data stored in gist. Added, deleted and changed through Github API
If you like, star the project. ●(●`∀ ́●)╯╰(●’◡’●)╮

演示地址 Demo


项目特点 Project Features

  • 基于 GitHub Pages 无需服务器   Based on GitHub Pages
  • 改进传统 GitHub Pages 不能动态发布的缺陷   Dynamically post
  • 响应式页面    Responsive Design
  • 单页面应用    Single-Page Application

相较于VBlog项目 Compared to the VBlog:

  • Favicon   add favicon
  • 美观的url (history模式)   More beautiful url (without #)
  • 更加可爱   More cute(Kawaii)
  • 修改时间显示    Modify time display
  • 博文去掉了简要说明    removed the brief description
  • 用响应式代替专门的手机版    Replacing the mobile version with responsive design
  • 具有Disqus 驱动的评论功能    Comments function power by Disqus

使用的组件 Components used

  • Element (PC、Mobile)

开发 Develop

安装 运行 构建 Install Run Build

npm install

npm run dev

npm run build

配置 Configuration


Modify configuration.json

获取Token Set Token

github > settings > Developer settings > Personal access tokens 勾选gistrepo权限 获取Token


github > settings > Developer settings > Personal access tokens tick gist and repo permissions to get Token

The repo permission is optional. Setting function won't work properly if the permission is not given.


Code licensed under the Mozilla Public License, version 2.0.

原作者 Original Author: Laziji
原repo Original Repository: VBlog