
Tutorial on Telegram chatbot on Heroku

Primary LanguagePython


This repo guides you through a simple echo Telegram bot example.

Local Setup

  1. Register bot by talking to @BotFather, and save the token
  2. Try out using this token to get updates at https://api.telegram.org/bot/getUpdates
  3. Try sending a message to https://api.telegram.org/bot/sendMessage?chat_id=ID&text=TEXT
  4. Get the code: git clone https://github.com/akashin/TelegramBot.git
  5. Install dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt
  6. Run the bot with: python bot.py

Heroku Setup

Complete the steps from the local setup and then:

  1. Register on https://heroku.com
  2. Install heroku command line interface https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/heroku-cli
  3. Create new Heroku application for our bot:
heroku login
heroku create --region eu appname # create app in eu region, common regions: eu, us
heroku buildpacks:set heroku/python # set python buildpack
git push heroku master # deploy app to heroku
heroku config:set TELEGRAM_TOKEN=123456789:AAABBBCCCDDDEEEFFFGGGHHHIIIJJJKKKLL # set config vars
heroku logs --tail # If for some reason it’s not working, check the logs

This should automatically start your bot on Heroku.
