- 3
[Info] 少数特殊的主机设备运行!!info查看信息时报错
#241 opened by Mooling0602 - 1
- 7
[QQChat]: 未来更新计划一览
#138 opened by AnzhiZhang - 1
QQ API 2.0 设计方案(征求意见稿)
#223 opened by AnzhiZhang - 6
[Bot] 假人自动登录时自动执行失败
#239 opened by fwzuw - 0
[Bot] 假人回收站
#238 opened by AnzhiZhang - 0
[Bot] 加载报错
#235 opened by Redapple-one - 0
[FastAPI] 公共实例宜挂载子应用,而不是注册每个 Endpoint
#232 opened by Silverteal - 6
[Bot] Bot 插件生成的假人有时是创造模式
#231 opened by Realzhazha - 1
Bot can't spawn bot
#229 opened by fattoolman - 10
[QQ API] New Protocols
#185 opened by furryaxw - 0
[Bot]: new features
#218 opened by AnzhiZhang - 0
[Bot]: 指令帮助列表用户体验改进
#222 opened by AnzhiZhang - 6
[Bot]: 兼容高版本维度翻译
#210 opened by jianchihu-leader - 3
[Bot]: pydantic error
#213 opened by Adogs1 - 3
[Bot] 无法使用:!!bot spawn xx来召唤假人
#206 opened by ZeroWarrior2026 - 1
Bot-v1.1.5 get_location ERROR
#207 opened by h1634668150 - 2
[Bot]: fabric1.21.1无法召唤假人
#220 opened by SkyIce0229 - 2
[Bot]: minecraft_data_api 1.6.0: AttributeError: module 'minecraft_data_api.entry' has no attribute 'get_player_info'
#221 opened by SkyIce0229 - 5
#219 opened by Redapple-one - 0
[Plugin Name]: test
#217 opened by AnzhiZhang - 4
[Minecraft Command Register]: 指令注册失败Unknown or incomplete command, see below for error
#212 opened by mcxiaochenn - 4
[Bot]: 假人动作配置里支持“等待”与“重复”操作
#194 opened by Aimerny - 0
- 4
[Bot]: 设置假人自动更新以后无法下线假人
#193 opened by Aimerny - 2
[AdvancedCalculator]: Requirement not met
#198 opened by LingEmberMaple - 1
[Lowercase MCDR Command]: Support completions?
#197 opened by LingEmberMaple - 1
[bot]: 部分玩家使用一直提示约束未满足
#196 opened by Realzhazha - 3
gamemode 插件bug
#191 opened by MarcoGao123 - 0
[Gamemode]: tp 功能和 TpManager 插件的指令冲突
#189 opened by Mooling0602 - 1
[Online_Player_API]: Feature 请求:关于校验小写名称的问题
#188 opened by FlipWind - 7
#186 opened by zhaixianyu - 2
[bug]: 错误的参数分割
#165 opened by mcxiaochenn - 2
[Bot]: Fail to load the entry point of bot@1.1.1
#161 opened by SkyIce0229 - 0
#162 opened by KonnoYuuki06 - 1
[Plugin]: Title BOT
#151 opened by Adogs1 - 1
[Bot]: Feature:自动更新
#143 opened by AnzhiZhang - 4
[bot]: Feature: tag功能
#119 opened by Flash-Z - 2
MCDR 插件对外接口 API
#146 opened by AnzhiZhang - 2
[Bot]: 数据层改造
#145 opened by AnzhiZhang - 1
- 0
#152 opened by Adogs1 - 2
[QQChat] Feature: 新功能建议
#139 opened by CleMooling - 6
#147 opened by starhush - 2
[QQAPI | Feature Request]: Websocket mode support
#127 opened by alex3236 - 6
#135 opened by CleMooling - 4
[QQChat | Bug] 配置项server_name疑似无效
#132 opened by lostegoist - 12
[QQChat] 消息转发相关功能无法正常工作
#130 opened by lostegoist - 2
QQchat机器人 由于未启用 RCON,没有返回结果
#117 opened by LinAnSalA - 1
[Gamemode]: 玩家加入服务器时加载失败
#114 opened by MrPiperdine