
[QQChat]: Is QQChat no longer supported?

Closed this issue · 5 comments

After you removed QQChat from your repo, I've looked for alternatives for it. However, ChatBridge is to huge for me (both client and server needed) and other plugins that link QQ to the game don't support automatic forwarding (though it isn't difficult to implement).

So is QQChat no longer supported? Or are there any alternatives in development?

QQChat is now in Archive folder in my repo. It will not keep development, but it is support MCDR 2.0. CoolQAPI will keep supported on MCDR 2.0. A project on BC server ChatHub will inherit all features of QQChat. But if there are stll obvious needs of QQChat, I may keep support it.


However, when I updated MCDR to 2.1.3, QQChat doesn't seem to work.

 [MCDR] [15:46:03] [TaskExecutor/ERROR]: Error invoking listener EventListener[plugin=qq_chat@0.0.3,priority=1000,callback=<function on_load at 0x7fb9b48971e0>]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mcdreforged/plugin/", line 474, in trigger_listener
    listener.execute(listener.plugin.server_interface, *args)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mcdreforged/plugin/", line 79, in execute
    return self.callback(*args, **kwargs)
  File "plugins/", line 63, in on_load
    from ConfigAPI import Config
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'ConfigAPI'

That's maybe because MCDR 2.x doesn't allow importing libs from plugin/ directory:

Due to how MCDR 2.x plugin loading logic works, you can no longer places your external libs modules into your plugin/ folder and import them, since MCDR will not append the plugin folders into sys.path any more

Emmm, it seems that QQChat needs to be changed into Multi file Plugin in order to support MCDR 2.x. But it's not a big problem because I may be able to edit it for my own use.

插件加载方式有变,与 #30 合并处理

CoolQAPI has been renamed to QQAPI. QQAPI and QQChat are archived at following links. Accept pull requests for maintenance or upgrade.

CoolQAPI 已更名为 QQAPIQQAPIQQChat 已在下列链接归档。接受 PR 以维护更新。

@Fidelxyz Is is not supports MCDR 2.0, please find and try the plugin!