Is a lib for java minecraft plugins to simplify Folia support implementation
Just for your information: Folia doesn't support any of
scheduling methods
- Folia
- Paper
- Spigot
Name | Link |
Brewery (Fork) | GitHub |
InventoryRollbackPlus (Fork) | GitHub |
CraftBook (Fork) | GitHub |
PlaceholderAPI (Fork) | GitHub |
ImageOnMap (Fork) | GitHub |
BigDoors (Fork) | GitHub |
WorldGuardExtraFlags (Fork) | GitHub |
HorseTpWithMe (Fork) | GitHub |
BetterTridents (Fork) | GitHub |
HolographicDisplays (Fork) | GitHub |
Lucko helper (Fork) | GitHub |
HexNicks (Fork) | GitHub |
WorldEdit (Unstable Fork) | GitHub |
- To your plugin Main add:
private static TaskScheduler scheduler;
public void onEnable(){
//if your already have onEnable() just add next line to it
public static TaskScheduler getScheduler(){
return scheduler;
- Call it just like
Main.getScheduler().runTaskLater(() -> { //Main there is your plugin Main
Bukkit.broadcastMessage("Wow, it was scheduled");
- If you need to get the scheduled task for some reason
MyScheduledTask task = Main.getScheduler().runTaskLater(() -> { //Main there is your plugin Main
Bukkit.broadcastMessage("Wow, it was scheduled");
}, 10L);
<!-- Don't forget to replace -->
repositories {
maven { url '' }
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.Anon8281:UniversalScheduler:[VERSION]'
shadowJar {
//Don't forget to replace
relocate 'com.github.Anon8281.universalScheduler', '[YOUR_PLUGIN_PACKAGE].universalScheduler'