
Write some library functions in 64 bits ASM (NASM)

Primary LanguageAssembly

💾 💾 💾 LIBASM 💾 💾 💾

Project goal

Rewrite some library functions with 64 bits ASM and the Intel syntax. Use Makefile to compile with nasm into the library called libasm.a.

No addition callings are allowed except malloc, ___error or errno_location.

Mandatory part

✅ ft_write (man 2 write)
✅ ft_read (man 2 read)
✅ ft_strlen (man 3 strlen)
✅ ft_strcmp (man 3 strcmp)
✅ ft_strcpy (man 3 strcpy)
✅ ft_strdup (man 3 strdup, you can call to malloc)

Bonus part

✅ ft_list_size (like the one in the piscine)
✅ ft_list_push_front (like the one in the piscine)
❌ ft_list_remove_if (like the one in the piscine)
❌ ft_list_sort (like the one in the piscine)
❌ ft_atoi_base (like the one in the piscine)

Some thoughts about topic

To complete this project successfully, you should understand, what type of problem we need to solve.
I personally recommend writing functions in the order they're listed above.

-> By working on ft_write and ft_read, you're dealing with syscalls, errno and how nasm code must be orginize.
-> ft_strlen - how counter works, how to write loops and how to return values from functions
-> ft_strcmp - how to compare two blocks of memory, how to calculate
-> ft_strcpy - how to transfer values from one block of memory to another
-> ft_strdup - how to extern functions (ft_strlen, ft_strcpy, malloc), how to call functions (calling convention)

-> ft_list_size - the only difference with ft_strlen is lenght of struct -
-> ft_list_push_front - how to work with pointers and how to malloc block of memory for struct
-> ft_list_remove_if - how to compare two blocks of memory and how to free block of memory
-> ft_list_sort - sort list with asm
-> ft_atoi_base - rewrite atoi base (deal with calculations)

Useful links

Links About
https://cs.lmu.edu/~ray/notes/nasmtutorial/ first step in nasm
https://cs.brown.edu/courses/cs033/docs/guides/x64_cheatsheet.pdf great cheatsheet
https://www.cs.uaf.edu/2015/fall/cs301/lecture/09_25_structs.html Data Structures in Assembly
https://github.com/HudsonSchumaker/x86_64-NASM/blob/master/macOS-nasm-codes.md NASM Assembler codes for macOS
https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/build/x64-software-conventions?redirectedfrom=MSDN&view=msvc-170 calling convention

Final grade: 110/125