
A Windows extension that is used to open applications quickly through context menu.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


  • A Windows extension which is used to open applications quickly through context menu.


  • Visual Studio 2019 (msvc2019)
  • Windows 10 21H2 x64

Build and Register

  1. Use Visual Studio to build x64 OpenWithMenu.dll
  2. Open cmd as administrator and register
# or
regsvr32 x64\Release\OpenWithMenu.dll
  1. Setup registry for background's context menu

# [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\Background\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers\OpenWithMenu]
# @="{33f3c901-789f-4e96-82d5-32b1cb204b40}"


  1. Open cmd as administrator and unregister
# or
regsvr32 /u x64\Release\OpenWithMenu.dll
  1. Remove background's context menu through registry

# [-HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\Background\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers\OpenWithMenu]


; Use DemoMenu.reg to add demo menu

"Name"="Open folder with"

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\AoiHosizora\OpenWithMenu\01 cmd]
@="Command prompt"

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\AoiHosizora\OpenWithMenu\02 cmd admin]
@="Command prompt (Admin)"
"Parameter"="/s /k pushd \"%V\""

Root key

  • Name - Menu title, defaults to Open folder with
  • Icon - Menu icon, supports both exe and ico path
  • SettingName - Setting menu title, defaults to Setting

Sub key

  • Note that only those menu items which has non empty @ and File will be shown.
  • Some of theme arguments have the same meaning of ShellExecuteW, see ShellExecuteW function (shellapi.h).
  • key name - Menu ID, required, items will be sorted by this value
  • @ - Menu title, required
  • File - Executable file path, required
  • Icon - Menu icon, supports both exe and ico path
  • Operation - Execute operation, defaults to open, it can be set to runas to execute as administrator
    • Execute with open operation usually can detect the current path, but runas cannot, so it need to use Parameter: %V
    • Command prompt example: File: cmd.exe; Operation: runas; Parameter: /s /k pushd "%V"
    • Powershell example: File: powershell.exe; Operation: runas; Parameter: -noexit -command Set-Location -literalPath '%V'
  • Parameter - Execute parameter, optional, and note that %V means the current path
    • Example for executing ping command: File: cmd.exe; Parameter: /c ping www.google.co.jp
  • Directory - Working directory to execute file, defaults to %V
  • Style - Window style to execute file, defaults to SW_NORMAL, it can be set to SW_HIDE or 0 to hide window


screenshot1 screenshot2
