- 2020 SCUT Parallel Programming Experiment and Final Project (with bad-smell and unoptimized code)
- 2022 SCUT Parallel and Distributed Computing Experiment
- lab1 - OpenMP
- matrix-vector multiplication
- trapezoidal integration
- odd-even sort
- lab2 - MPI
- matrix-vector multiplication
- trapezoidal integration
- odd-even sort
- lab3 - OpenMP + MPI
- matrix-vector multiplication
- lab4 - OpenMP + MPI
- groupby - Sequential, OpenMP, MPI, OpenMP + MPI
- pdc_lab1 - Hadoop
- web crawler
- inverted index building using hadoop and map reduce
- pdc_lab2 - MPI
- Compile manually
# build
cd lab2
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -G "MinGW Makefiles"
make -j8
# run
lab2.exe # single process
mpiexec -n 8 lab2.exe # multiple processes
- Use CLion