
Lua library for handling BMP image files for FlashAir.

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


Read and write 24bpp or 16bpp uncompressed windows bitmaps from pure Lua.

update at 2019/3/21:Suport 64K part load to save memory and direction(x,y) to udside down


This is SoraMame library for BMP.
SoraMame series are IoT gadgets of FlashAir.

Tested on FlashAir W-04 v4.00.03.


SlibBMP.lua -- Copy to somewhere in Lua's search path.

Color format of functions

bgcolor : BBBBB_GGGGGG_RRRRR (64K(16bpp) background color)

Internal bitmap data format

bitmap  = {}  
bitmap.header -- copyed from BMP header  
bitmap.width  -- bitmap width  
bitmap.height -- bitmap height  
bitmap.bit    -- bpp, 24 or 16(BBBBB_GGGGGG_RRRRR format)  
bitmap.flat   -- 1:Flat(Stuffing without leaving spaces for small image), 0:Stored in an array for each line.  
bitmap.data   -- bitmap data  


command description
bitmap,mes = BMP:loadFile(path, flat) Read content from file and return as bitmap
bitmap: bitmap table
mes: error message, if bitmap is nil

path: path+filename
flat: 1:data flat mode, 0:data array mode
res = BMP:saveFile(path, bitmap) Dump bitmap to file
res: "OK" or error message

path: path+filename
bitmap: bitmap table
img,mes = BMP:conv64K(bitmap or path) Convert 24bit bitmap to 16 bpp bitmap
If given path, read content from file.
img: 64K color bitmap table
mes: error message, if bitmap is nil

bitmap: bitmap table
path: path+filename
img,mes = BMP:conv64K(bitmap or path,
x, y, width, height, bgcolor)
Crop out the 24bpp bitmap and convert it to 16bpp bitmap
And replace the area out of the original image with the background color.
If given path, read content from file.
img: 64K color bitmap table
mes: error message, if bitmap is nil

bitmap: bitmap table
path: path+filename




Twitter ID @La_zlo