
A restful koa2 api stater

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A restful koa2 api stater



or ./info.txt for backup


npm test


test for dev

npm run start:dev

for prod

npm start

Mock Db

CREATE TABLE `rest`.`user` (
  `username` VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL,
  `password` VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  UNIQUE INDEX `username_UNIQUE` (`username` ASC));

To do

  1. auto routing with version
  2. nested routing
  3. sample method for all http method
  4. sample unit test of each method
  5. sample data model of mysql/mongo using ORM/ODM or further encapsulated lib
  6. sample unit test of model
  7. add oauth2 with redis ttl for token/refresh token
  8. auto gen api doc with interactive test(swagger? apidoc?)
  9. body parser, logger
  10. add sault and encrypt for password like sensitive information (bcrypt?)
  11. limit access rate of same IP
  12. CORS
  13. cmd installer like yeoman
  14. all requirements of ./info.txt
  15. Use Accept-Language and Content-Language header for deciding what language of contents get method return
  16. handle file upload
  17. setup pm2.config.json for pm2
  18. a stub db
  19. set compression for large text contents ...


  1. use Snake case for folder and http method for filename.
  2. use _${folder_name}.spec.js for unit test
  3. __${variable_name} for global variable ...


For each method, export an array of koa middleware. If body parser is needed, append koaBody() before the middleware, ref: ./app/v0/demo/get.js.