
SQL case studies, Power BI, Tableau, and Excel learning materials

This project will solve and document the responses to Danny Ma's SQL case studies. The case studies cover different real-life business data challenges that can help you hone your skills and better build your portfolio.

The project is sponsored by Resagratia. We also have a community on WhatsApp for all things data. Feel free to join - https://chat.whatsapp.com/H13DoPOFz8s06AaJxJP6YW

To follow along the SQL challenges, the database and code editor for the case studies can be found here:

  1. Case study #1: Danny's Diner - https://8weeksqlchallenge.com/case-study-1/
  2. Case study #2: Pizza Runner - https://8weeksqlchallenge.com/case-study-2/
  3. Case study #3: Foodie Fi - https://8weeksqlchallenge.com/case-study-3/
  4. Case study #4: Data Bank - https://8weeksqlchallenge.com/case-study-4/
  5. Case study #5: Data Mart - https://8weeksqlchallenge.com/case-study-5/
  6. Case study #6: Clique Bait - https://8weeksqlchallenge.com/case-study-6/

For a better experience, attempt the challenges for each case study before going through the responses curated here. PS: Case study 3 (Foodie Fi) seemed to be the most challenging.

Finally, join https://resagratia.com - we're building a data platform to support your lifelong learning in data analytics. We'll also be hosting SQL, Tableau, Power BI, and Excel sessions for subscribers.

All the best!