JavaScript Project

This repository contains multiple JavaScript projects designed to showcase different functionalities and features. Each project is contained within its own directory and has its own set of functionalities. Below is a brief overview of each project:

1. FAQs

The FAQs project is designed to display frequently asked questions along with their answers in an organized and user-friendly manner. Users can expand/collapse each question to view its corresponding answer.

2. Color Flipper

The Color Flipper project allows users to generate random colors with the click of a button. Users can either get a single random color or generate a gradient of two random colors.

3. Counter

The Counter project features a simple counter application that allows users to increase, decrease, or reset a counter value. It provides basic functionality to manipulate and display numerical data.

4. Game

The Game project presents a basic game interface, although the specifics of the game are not outlined here. Users can interact with the game environment and potentially play a game implemented using JavaScript.

5. Hello World

The Hello World project is a simple demonstration of printing "Hello, World!" to the console using JavaScript. It serves as a starting point for beginners to understand how to execute JavaScript code.

6. Open Modal

The Open Modal project demonstrates how to create a modal dialog box using JavaScript. Users can trigger the modal to open and close, providing a simple example of interactive UI elements.

7. Quiz Game

The Quiz Game project offers a simple quiz interface where users can answer multiple-choice questions. The application tracks the user's score and provides feedback on their performance.

8. Rock Paper Scissors

The Rock Paper Scissors project implements the classic game of Rock, Paper, Scissors in JavaScript. Users can play against the computer and see the outcome of each round.

9. Sticky Nav

The Sticky Nav project showcases how to create a sticky navigation bar using JavaScript. The navigation bar remains fixed at the top of the screen as the user scrolls down the page, improving user experience and accessibility.

10. Testimonial

The Testimonial project features a testimonial section where users can view different testimonials provided by customers or users. Testimonials can be cycled through dynamically, providing an interactive element to the webpage.

Feel free to explore each project to learn more about its functionality and implementation details.

Happy coding! 🚀