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Yii2 example application.


  • docker (tested on version 20.10.7-0ubuntu5~20.04.2)
  • docker-compose (tested on version 1.25.0)
  • make (tested on version 4.2.1)

What's inside

  • supervisor
  • php 7.4 and php-fpm 7.4
  • nginx
  • startup shell scripts


Currently used PostgreSQL.

Environment variables

  • STARTUP_UPDATE_VENDORS - if "true" runs composer install -o on startup. Used for local development.
  • YII_ENV - "dev" or "prod".
  • YII_DEBUG - "true" to enable yii debug module.
  • DATABASE_DSN - database config
  • COOKIE_VALIDATION_KEY - value for \yii\web\Request::cookieValidationKey


Debug readme

Get started (run locally)

make up

All shell commands

make help