
simple djvu/pdf ebook viewer based on djvulibre, libmupdf and SDL 1.2

Primary LanguageCGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

SDLBook - a tiny djvu/pdf eBook reader


Tiny eBook reader using only SDL, djvulibre, and libmupdf.


Since there are no djvu readers with reasonable dependency requirements (i.e. GTK+2, X11, SDL1 or 2, framebuffer) available, I decided to write my own, by taking a firm glance at what djvulibre's ddjvu utility does and rendering to a video buffer instead of a file. I'm not interested in installing heavy-weight GUI toolkits such as QT4,5,GTK+3,4 etc just for a simple eBook reader. Nor in installing python3 just to run someone's meson build recipe.

As I dislike the interruptive page jumping of mupdf-x11, I've added mupdf support too so it can take advantage of the smooth page border scrolling mechanism of SDLBook. Therefore it now also supports all the formats supported by mupdf, namely pdf, epub, fb2, xps, openxps, cbz, cbr.


  • Install SDL and djvulibre libraries including development headers.
  • Compile using gnu make by running make CFLAGS=-O2.
  • Install as root user by doing make install prefix=/usr.
  • Run like sdlbook /path/to/file.djvu
  • Press F1 to see available keyboard shortcuts
  • Have fun reading.