
An ebook reader for the Miyoo devices

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

An ebook reader app for the Miyoo Mini and MiyooCFW. Supports epub and txt formats.


MiyooCFW Installation

It is presumed you are using the latest MiyooCFW custom firmware on your device - version at least 2.0.0 BETAv3.

  1. Download the latest release package.
  2. Put IPK-package in your MAIN partition.
  3. IPK: Launch reader.ipk from GMenu2X's Explorer.

The default location for book files is /mnt/books.

Miyoo Mini Installation

Supports Onion, MiniUI, and the default/factory OS.

  1. Download the latest release. Make sure to get the correct zip file for your OS. For Onion or default/factory OS: pixel_reader_onion_xxx.zip. For MiniUI: pixel_reader_miniui_xxx.zip.
  2. Extract the zip into the root of your SD card.
  3. Boot your device, and the app should now show up in the apps/tools list.

The default location for book files is Media/Books.

Development Reference

Desktop Build

Install dependencies (Ubuntu):

apt install make g++ libxml2-dev libzip-dev libsdl1.2-dev libsdl-ttf2.0-dev libsdl-image1.2-dev


make -j

Find app in build/reader.

MiyooCFW Cross-Compile

If you're trying to build for uClibc compatible image, use one of these two methods:

  • Docker
git clone https://github.com/Apaczer/pixel-reader
cd pixel-reader/
docker pull miyoocfw/toolchain-shared-uclibc
docker run --volume ./:/src/ -it miyoocfw/toolchain-shared-uclibc
cd /src
  • Local (*)
make CROSS_COMPILE=/opt/miyoo/usr/bin/arm-miyoo-linux-uclibcgnueabi- SYSROOT=/opt/miyoo/arm-miyoo-linux-uclibcgnueabi/sysroot CPPFLAGS="-DMIYOO -DUSER_FONTS"

*Note: To relocate default SDK location (/opt/miyoo) run "relocate-sdk.sh" script from new placement.

Miyoo Mini Cross-Compile

Cross-compile env is provided by shauninman/union-miyoomini-toolchain. Docker is required.

Fetch git submodules:

git submodule init && git submodule update

Start shell:

make miyoo-mini-shell

Create app packages:

./cross-compile/miyoo-mini/create_packages.sh <version num>

Run Tests

Install gtest.

make test