
Tink-Her-Hack Hacthon Final Project

About Project

Hey colleagues! Aren't you guys missing out something?

what can be the reason for you not to be a part of it?

Well here's the solution with us. You guys should attend all the events goofing around your campus as it's once in a lifetime experience so be a part of all events. To tackle this we created an online platform for you guys. Uniconnect is a platform providing all the details of events happpening around. Now here comes an interesting part as this platform won't just let you guys to know about the events of your university only but the other colleges , institution around you in ur district. Not only this you guys can check before hand the date and other basic information with registration in our web portal , so that you guys not just a visiter but can also contribute to the event by taking part in the programs that interests you. Isn't it sounds cool to be a part of all the fun happpening in our campus and to have bags full of memories.

Team members

  1. Member 1: Aparna Nair [https://github.com/Misty106]
  2. Member 2: Laskhmika [https://github.com/Lakshmikha]
  3. Member 3: Lana Anvar [https://github.com/Lanaanvar]
  4. Member 4: Akanksha Singh [https://github.com/SIGExCPY]

Tools Used