
Repository for Collaborating on Data and Results for Index swapping presentation

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Repository for Collaborating on Data and Results for Index swapping presentation

File list:

  1. Index_Swp_sort.py - Python script that was used to generate Index hopped read counts, and used to sort reads before FastQC analysis

    a. Output sorted read files can be found at: hpc:/home/abubie/qual_ind_swp/pres/

  2. Index_Sort_sc.srun - BASH script used to execute python script; includes passed arguements

  3. FastQC_anal_sc.srun - BASH script used to run FastQC analysis on the sorted reads

  4. FastQC_Output - Folder contains the output files from FastQC analysis

  5. Formatted_Sorted_Indexes - Table of all Index pairs, with number of reads per pair.

  6. demultiplexed_tile_counts.txt - Text file of read counts per tile (UNIX output)

  7. 20170802_fragment_analyzer_project_summary.pdf - Fragment analyzer traces from GC3F

  8. Data_Analysis_Ideas - R-markdown file establishing some ideas for results figures (Meant as scratch file)

  9. Index_Report_Analysis.Rmd - Analysis for Linear Regression of sorted indexes