Must have MysQL version 5.6
In Subwayz/config/database.yml enter the username and password of the MysQL account.
Enter MysQL In MysQL create an empty database called subwaz by entering the following: create database subwaz;
enter that empty database by typing : use subwaz;
In Subway/db delete a file name schema.rb
After deleting the file write the following commend : rake db:migrate
Go to MysQL and enter subwaz database;
Dump the subwaz.sql dump file into the database by typing the following: source /your path to our project/Subwayz/db/subwaz.sql
Please dump the file twice into the database.
Subwayz is an application for the average New Yorker who may want to retrieve the status of the subway train they intend to take as a part of their daily commute. Unsatisfied with the unreliability of the current information available about train arrivals, our group has decided to provide the average commuter with supplementary information. This will be done by gathering information via crowdsourcing, as we believe that other fellow commuters will be a more reliable source of information.
For detail info, please read the requirement statement from the following link:
This is a team project which build by the following members:
Lewis Ho
Luther Ling
Mo Alamin
Ruth Hauptman
Ameya Pednekar
require Ruby version 2.2.0, MySQL, HTML5 supported browser
Fork it!
On the directory, run ‘rails server` on your terminal
Fork it!
Create your feature branch: ‘git checkout -b my-new-feature`
Commit your changes: ‘git commit -am ’Add some feature’‘
Push to the branch: ‘git push origin my-new-feature`
Submit a pull request :D
Special thanks to professor Brizan and all classmate from Spring 2015 capstone class for all the suggestions!
© 2015 Subwayz. All rights reserved.