Get the ability to run and develop Kotlin plugins on your Minecraft server or proxy.
This plugin includes the necessary Kotlin libraries to the server to avoid including them independently in several plugins at the same time
- Java 8+
- Velocity 3+
- Sponge 8.1+
- CraftBukkit/Spigot/Paper/forks 1.8+
- BungeeCord/Waterfall
Simply install the latest version of the plugin on your server or proxy
Add MCKotlin as a dependency
depend: MCKotlin-Paper
required: true
id = "myplugin",
dependencies = {
@Dependency(id = "mckotlin-velocity")
public class VelocityPlugin {}
- Kotlin StdLib 1.9.21
- Kotlin Reflect 1.9.21
- KotlinX Coroutines
How does this plugin differ from other plugins such as Kotlin?
Unfortunately there are no plugins available that provide the necessary libraries to make kotlin plugins for environments like Velocity or Bungeecord. That was my motivation to develop this plugin that includes Kotlin-stlib 1.9.0 (created by Jetbrains, Apache 2 license)