Koa-Passport strategy for authenticating based on a remember me cookie.
This module lets you authenticate using a remember me cookie (aka persistent login) in your Node.js applications. By plugging into Passport, remember me authentication can be easily and unobtrusively integrated into any application or framework that supports Connect-style middleware and fix cookies section of passport-remember-me.
$ npm install koa-passport-remember-me
For a complete, working example for koa 2, refer to the koa passport example.
$ npm install
$ make test
- v0.1.3 - Use ES6 Object.assign to options merging. Since it is assumed that the one who uses Koa, uses the latest versions of nodejs :)
- v0.1.2 - Fixed a crazy bug with cookie expiration.
Copyright (c) 2013 Jared Hanson <http://jaredhanson.net/> Patch for koa-passport by Oleg Cherniy (oleg.cherniy (at) gmail.com)