
VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) Checker Lite

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A simple VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) checker. All checks based on ISO 3779:2009. Detailed info: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vehicle_identification_number

This module contains only a part (about 1000) WMI-code the major vehicle manufacturers. The complete SAE WMI database contains more than 33,000 international WMI codes and is available through annual subscription to the site http://www.sae.org/standardsdev/groundvehicle/vin.htm

Starting with version 2.1.0, added all the codes xUSSR manufacturers.

quick start

Install from npm:

$ npm install vin-lite


Some manufacturers realized an algorithm that decrypts the additional information about the car from the VIN code. Additional information is now extracted for

  • Volkswagen
  • Volvo

To retrieve additional information transmitted by the second argument when you call vin.decode method

var vin = require('vin-lite');

console.log(vin.isValid("WVWZZZ3CZEE140287")); // true

console.log(vin.isValid("WVWZZZ3CZEE140287",false)); // Verify regular expression only

/* { wmi: 'WVW',
     vds: 'ZZZ3CZ',
     vis: 'EE140287',
     sequentialNumber: '140287',
     check: 'Z',
     continent: 'Europe',
     country: 'West Germany',
     manufacturer: 'Volkswagen',
     modelYear: 2014,
     manufacturerInfo: { description: 'Passat 7, Passat CC', place: 'Emden, Germany' } }

USA Check digit validate. This test can be applied to cars, which were produced to the USA market

console.log(vin.USAValidate("YV1TS592861433393")); // true


  • v3.0.1 - Add USA check digit validation. Add additional information decoder for Volkswagen and Volvo.
  • v2.1.0 - Added all codes xUSSR manufacturers
  • v2.0.0 - Slightly changed the format of the object that returns the decode method.