
A redis frontend to google's leveldb

Primary LanguageC++


A redis frontend to google's leveldb: Use leveldb as a Redis-Server.

Redis COMMAND Supported

  • incr/incrby
  • get/set
  • mget/mset
  • multi/exec/discard
  • keys
  • info: Different to redis, this info command accepts a flag argument, eg: info, info k, info t, info kt
    • default: show leveldb.stat info
    • k: show the count of all keys
    • t: show leveldb.sstables info
  • select: select db (when redis-leveldb run in multi-db mode, with argument -M <num>)


  1. libev:

    install with apt-get or port please.

  2. gmp(http://gmplib.org/):

    install with apt-get or port please.

  3. leveldb:

  1. git clone git://github.com/appwilldev/redis-leveldb.git
  2. cd redis-leveldb
  3. git submodule init
  4. git submodule update




./redis-leveldb -h


  • -d: run redis-level as a daemon process
  • -H <host-ip>: host addr to listen on(eg:
  • -P <port>: port to listen on(default 8323)
  • -D <data-dir>: leveldb data dir(default "redis.db" under your work directory)
  • -M <number>: run in multi-db mode and set its db count to <number>, each db in the server is a separatly leveldb database and its data directory is a directory named db-<num> under the directory you specified with the option -D; you can use command select to switch db on the client side while redis-leveldb is running in this mode.