This simple script of less than 50 lines records all sales and purchases made in the auction house to a local file. Later, this file can be read and the transactions can be stored in a SQL database or any other database of your choice.
Yes, I know there are addons like TSM that store all this information and much more. However, I find them excessively complex and it was easier for me to develop this small script than to try to extract data from TSM's local database.
- Lightweight and Simple: Only does what you need, without unnecessary complications.
- Local Recording: Saves all transactions to a local file.
- Easy Integration: You can read the file and transfer the data to any database you prefer.
In order to install this addon just simply create a folder called AipoxMailLedger inside of C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft_classic_\Interface\AddOns and paste the addons files (AipoxMailLedger.lua & AipoxMailLedger.toc) inside.
Every time you open your mail inbox and click on "open all" it will read the auction house emails and store the data into the savedVariables files, located here:
C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft_classic_\WTF\Account*YOUR ACCOUNT*\SavedVariables\AipoxMailLedger.lua
It will look something like this:
AipoxMailLedgerDB = {
["Horde Auction House-Auction successful: Whiptail (10)-1"] = {
["timestamp"] = 1718629822,
["transaction"] = "seller",
["item"] = "Whiptail",
["amount"] = 422410,
["Horde Auction House-Auction won: Golden Pigment (2)-1"] = {
["timestamp"] = 1718627965,
["transaction"] = "buyer",
["item"] = "Golden Pigment",
["amount"] = 179984,
} ~~
The addon saves data to the SavedVariables file only when you perform one of the following actions:
- use the /reload command
- log out
- exit the game.
So if you have opened an email and dont see a thing in SavedVariables\AipoxMailLedger.lua enter /reload command
The addon is currently build for Cataclysm classic version 40400. If you wish to try to use this addon on a different version open the file AipoxMailLedger.toc and modify the interface parameter.
## Title: AipoxMailLedger
## Notes: Register auctions sales & purchases and stores in json
## Author: Roteira-Gehennas
## Version: 1.0
## SavedVariables: AipoxMailLedgerDB
If you would like to contribute to the development of this addon:
Fork the repository. Create a new branch (git checkout -b feature-branch). Commit your changes (git commit -m 'Add new feature'). Push to the branch (git push origin feature-branch). Open a Pull Request. License This addon is licensed under the MIT License.
For questions or support, you can reach me on discord AIPOX #8367 or Linkedin