
QOI Verification Tools written by C#

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

QOI Research & Verification Tools


OS: Windows/Linux
Runtime: .NET Runtime 7.0

All executable files are under ProjectPath/bin/Debug/net7.0/

Test Bitmap Converter

This tool can read all images in a directory and convert them to 24-bpp bitmap (.BMP) files.


  • Linux

dotnet TestBitmapConverter.dll <root_path> <out_path>

  • Windows

./TestBitmapConverter <root_path> <out_path>

root_path: Root path of image set. It can has many sub-directory in it and contains multiple PNG images. out_path: Output path, all Bitmap images will output to the path. And the original sub-directory name will appears at the perfix of filename with "___" separator.

Batch Compression Test

  • Linux

dotnet BatchCompressionTest.dll <test_program> <test_set_path>

  • Windows

./BatchCompressionTest <test_program> <test_set_path>

test_program: Test program path. Please note that you need use the corresponding platform program to test, i.e. under Linux you should use Linux executable program compiled by GCC, etc. The test program has some command-line format which shows in follows.

test_set_path: Test set path. This path contains many Bitmap files as test set. It can be generated by the TestBitmapConverter.

Test Program Requirement & Format

The test program has a certain command-line format that batch test program can use shell argument to control and run it.


There are 3 arguments on the test program, like

./test <command> <source> <target>

command: The command argument has 3 choice

  1. -e: Encode (Compression)
  2. -d: Decode (Decompression)
  3. -c: Compare (Compare the image in pixel level)

source, target: The source and target is the input file path to the test program. Under Encode mode, the source is the the Bitamp file to compress, and target is the output file. Under Decode mode, the source file is the compressed file to decode, and the target file is output original Bitmap file. And, under Compare mode, the source and target are two files to compare between.

Standard output

The standard output of Encode mode has a requirement.
Under Encode mode, program must outputing an line of statistic information head like

-- QOI Encoding Statistic --

and outputing each encoding type and its count by the format list as follows

type_name = count

This output is used to statistic.


The program must return 0 if it working correctly. And the program can return other values (not equal 0) when error occurred, to let the BatchCompressionTest can detect the error.