
simple tax calculator with html,css and js to refresh my DOM skill

Primary LanguageHTML


The IrelandTaxCalculator is a simple tax calculator web application that 
allows users to calculate their income tax in Ireland based on   
the income entered. The application is implemented using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, 
and it serves as a practice project to refresh and improve my DOM (Document Object Model) skills.


The IrelandTaxCalculator offers the following features:

  1.Input field for entering the income amount
  2.Button to calculate the income tax based on the entered income
  3.Display of calculated income tax result
  4.Simple and user-friendly interface
  5.Responsive design using CSS for optimal display on different devices

Technologies Used

The IrelandTaxCalculator is implemented using the following technologies:

    1.HTML: for creating the structure and layout of the web page
    2.CSS: for styling the web page and making it visually appealing
    3.JavaScript: for handling user input, performing calculations, and updating the DOM dynamically
