
simple tip calculator with javascript

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Tip Calculator

This is a simple tip calculator built using JavaScript that allows you to calculate the tip
amount and total bill amount based on the percentage of tip you want to give.

How to Use

Enter the bill amount in the designated input field.
Select the percentage of tip you want to give using the provided options (e.g., 10%, 15%, 20%).
Click the "Calculate" button.
The tip amount and total bill amount will be displayed below the button.


Calculates the tip amount based on the percentage of tip selected.
Calculates the total bill amount by adding the tip amount to the original bill amount.
Calculates the tip amount based on the number of people
Provides predefined tip percentages for easy selection.
Displays the tip amount and total bill amount in real-time.
Simple and user-friendly interface.

Technologies Used

HTML: For creating the structure of the web page.
CSS: For styling the web page.
JavaScript: For implementing the tip calculation logic and updating the DOM.
