
This little Adapter receives alertmanager webhooks and sends the notifications via a over serial attached Meshtastic device to the specified nodeID.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Alertmanager webhook for meshtastic

linux/amd64 dockerhub github pypi

This little Adapter receives alertmanager webhooks and sends the notifications via a over serial attached Meshtastic device to the specified nodeID.

Warning Caution: The Tests that are provided for the code in this repository are not currently updated! Also this is a quickly hacked together peace of software, that has not built any security in it at the moment. If you have the skill and the time to contribute in any way, take a look at the Contribution section


This is based on the work of https://github.com/homeworkprod/weitersager Thanks to GUVWAF for the support and thanks to the whole meshtastic team for this awsome software!

Alertmanager configuration example

	- name: 'meshtastic-webhook'
	  - url: http://alertmanager-meshtastic:9119/alert
	    send_resolved: true

config.toml example

This is an example config, that shows all of the config options.

log_level = "debug"

inputtimeshift = 2      # this time in hours will be added to the "in" time of the message that gets sent to the client
statustimeshift = 2     # this time in hours will be added to the "status" time of the message (startsAt/endsAt) that gets sent to the client

host = ""
port = 9119
clearsecret = "your_secret_key"

tty = "/tmp/vcom0"
nodeid = 631724152
maxsendingattempts = 30
timeout = 60

docker compose service example - Hardware Serial (default)

To integrate this bridge into your composed prometheus/alertmanager cluster, this is a good startingpoint.

      image: apfelwurm/alertmanagermeshtastic
        - 9119:9119
        - ./alertmanager-meshtastic/config.toml:/app/config.toml
      restart: always

docker compose service example - Virtual Serial

To integrate this bridge into your composed prometheus/alertmanager cluster, this is a good startingpoint. If you plan to use a virtual serial port that is provided with socat you have to use the socat connector in this container or run your alertmanagermeshtastic instance on the terminating linux machine, because the reconnecting is not working if you either mount it as volume or as a device.

      image: apfelwurm/alertmanagermeshtastic
        - 9119:9119
        - SOCAT_CONNECTION=tcp:
        - ./alertmanager-meshtastic/config.toml:/app/config.toml
      restart: always

Note: If you set SOCAT_ENABLE to TRUE, the tty option from [meshtastic.connection] in config.toml will be overwritten with /tmp/vcom0 as thats the virtual serial port.

Running on docker example - Hardware Serial (default)

    docker run -d --name alertmanagermeshtastic \
		--device=/dev/ttyACM0 \
		-v ./alertmanager-meshtastic/config.toml:/app/config.toml \
    -p 9119:9119 apfelwurm/alertmanagermeshtastic:latest

Running on docker example - Virtual Serial

If you plan to use a virtual serial port that is provided with socat you have to use the socat connector in this container or run your alertmanagermeshtastic instance on the terminating linux machine, because the reconnecting is not working if you either mount it as volume or as a device.

    docker run -d --name alertmanagermeshtastic \
		-v ./alertmanager-meshtastic/config.toml:/app/config.toml \
    -p 9119:9119 apfelwurm/alertmanagermeshtastic:latest

Note: If you set SOCAT_ENABLE to TRUE, the tty option from [meshtastic.connection] in config.toml will be overwritten with /tmp/vcom0 as thats the virtual serial port.

Metrics for Prometheus

You cann add this as an exporter to your scrape config, for example:

  - job_name: "alertmanager-meshtastic"
    scrape_interval: 10s
      - targets: ["alertmanager-meshtastic:9119"]

it will return the metrics

message_queue_size (int/gauge) meshtastic_connected (bool/gauge)


This is currently a minimal implementation that supports only a single node as a receiver. If you need additional features, you are welcome to open an issue, or even better, submit a pull request. You can also take a look on the opened Issues, where i have opened some for planned features and work on them if you want. I would appreciate any help.

Example to test

You can use the test.sh or the test single.sh or the following curl command to test alertmanager-meshtastic

	curl -XPOST --data '{"status":"resolved","groupLabels":{"alertname":"instance_down"},"commonAnnotations":{"description":"i-0d7188fkl90bac100 of job ec2-sp-node_exporter has been down for more than 2 minutes.","summary":"Instance i-0d7188fkl90bac100 down"},"alerts":[{"status":"resolved","labels":{"name":"olokinho01-prod","instance":"i-0d7188fkl90bac100","job":"ec2-sp-node_exporter","alertname":"instance_down","os":"linux","severity":"page"},"endsAt":"2019-07-01T16:16:19.376244942-03:00","generatorURL":"http://pmts.io:9090","startsAt":"2019-07-01T16:02:19.376245319-03:00","annotations":{"description":"i-0d7188fkl90bac100 of job ec2-sp-node_exporter has been down for more than 2 minutes.","summary":"Instance i-0d7188fkl90bac100 down"}}],"version":"4","receiver":"infra-alert","externalURL":"http://alm.io:9093","commonLabels":{"name":"olokinho01-prod","instance":"i-0d7188fkl90bac100","job":"ec2-sp-node_exporter","alertname":"instance_down","os":"linux","severity":"page"}}' http://alertmanager-meshtastic:9119/alert