

Primary LanguagePython

Code Explation

  1. data

    original data from kaggle

  2. deprecate

    Useless code file, for backup only

  3. online

    model or some GridSearch online



    • model_NN_1362

    • online_NN:online test use

    • online_NN2:online test use


    • model_RF_1372


    • online_cv_lgbm

    • online_cv_rf

    Model Ensemble

    • online_ensemble: simple blend

      • to be optimized
    • online_stacking: The second layer predicts the cumlate probability of each category【deprecate:The results are not strictly increasing and do not meet the requirements of the topic】

    • online_stacking_cumlate:The second layer predicts the probability of each category, then cumlate all just like single model does

      • didn't perform well, maybe try attention stacking later
  4. reference

    Code reproduced from discussion area

  5. test

    test only

  6. model_xgb

    to be finished model

  7. feature_filter/feature_filter_test

    FE use