
These are my dotfiles

Primary LanguageShell

List of packages i use:

Name in Repo Purpose
acpilight enables changing screen brightness levels
arc-themes-solid-breath is a flat theme without transparent elements Manjaro Breath variant
awesome is a highly configurable, next generation framework window manager for X
brave-bin is an elegant browser with built-in adblocking, tor and other features
breath2-icon-themes is KDE breath2 icon theme
breeze-icons is KDE Breeze icon themes
clipmenu is a clipboard management using dmenu
cmus is terminal music player
dmenu runs commands and provides a UI for selection
dunst is a suckless notification system
dwm is suckless's window manager
dwmblocks serves as the modular status bar
fd a better find
fzf is a fuzzy finder tool
imv Image viewer for X11 and Wayland
j4-dmenu-desktop is to find .desktop files and offer you a menu to start an application using dmenu
lf-git is an extensive terminal file manager that everyone likes
libnotify allows desktop notifications
lutris is a gaming client for Linux
lxappearance is for setting system gtk theme
maim can take quick screenshots at your request
mangohud is a A Vulkan and OpenGL overlay for monitoring FPS, temperatures, CPU/GPU load and more
mpv is the patrician's choice video player
nbfc-git is to control laptop fan speed
neovim a tidier vim with some useful features
newsboat is a terminal RSS client
noto-fonts-emoji is an emoji font
pamixer is a command-line audio interface
pcmanfm is a gui file manager
picom is for transparency and removing screen-tearing
poppler manipulates pdfs and gives pdf previews and other pdf functions
pulseaudio-alsa is the audio system
pulsemixer is an audio controller
qogir-gtk-theme is a flat Design theme for GTK
qt5ct is for setting system qt theme
ripgrep is a better grep
slock is suckless's lockscreen
slstatus is suckless's status monitor
st is suckless's terminal emulator
starship is a shell prompt
sxiv is a minimalist image viewer
trayer is a lightweight system tray
ttf-joypixels is an emoji font
unar extracts compressed files with multiple formats
vkbasalt is a Vulkan post processing layer to enhance the visual graphics of games
xclip allows for copying and pasting from the command line
xcursor-breeze Breeze cursor theme (KDE Plasma 5). This package is for usage in non-KDE Plasma desktops.
xev prints contents of X events (basically to get keycodes of keys pressed)
xorg-server is the graphical server
xorg-xinit starts the graphical server
xorg-xprop is a tool for detecting window properties
xwallpaper sets the wallpaper
youtube-dl can download any YouTube video (or playlist or channel) when given the link
zathura is a pdf viewer with vim-like bindings
zathura-pdf-mupdf allows mupdf pdf compatibility in zathura
zip is a Compressor/archiver for creating and modifying zipfiles
zsh-autosuggestions provides autosuggestions for zsh
zsh-syntax-highlighting provides syntax highlighting for zsh
zsh-theme-powerlevel10k is a zsh prompt