- Open the command line
- Change the directory to the one that contains the project
- Run the command: javac ID3.java
>!< Please pay attention to the order that parameters should be given. >!<
- To execute the algorithm, make sure you have put the train and data files at the same folder with algorithm ( or make sure you put the right directory).
- The algorithm will expect the above parameters with the exact same order that are described:
- featureFileName: the file name that contains the vocabulary (.vocab file)
- trainDataFileName: the file name of the training examples (.feat file)
- testDataFileName: the file name of the test examples (.feat file)
- pruningParameter: the parameter we use to prune the tree (double and should be between 0.0 and 1.0, we recommend > 0.80 and <0.97)
- nParameter: the first n most common words
- Here is an example of input:
java ID3 imdb.vocab trainlabeledBow.feat testlabeledBow.feat 0.90 100
>!< In case there is an OutOfMemoryError, please use less words in the .vocab file. >!<
Source of data in test_examples folder: https://ai.stanford.edu/~amaas/data/sentiment/