Pinned Repositories
Deep Learning Framework only using numpy: Linear, Convolution, Flatten, Max and Mean Pooling layers, activation functions, Softmax, MSE and Cross Entropy. Useful functions: train, save an load a model to deploy it, get nb of parameters, draw learning curves
Deep Learning framework implementation with MSE, ReLU, softmax, linear layer, a feature/label generator and a mini-batch training. The main goal of this repository is to show how to develop a project in C++ by using key concepts of C++: abstract class/interface and inheritance, memory management, smart-pointers, iterator, const expression, etc.
The goal of this project is to build a robot capable of mapping its environment in a 3D simulation view. It uses a neural network for depth estimation deployed on a Jetson Nano. The Jetson is also connected to an Arduino Nano to get the gyro data from its IMU to project the depth values in a 3D world based on the orientation of the robot.
Implement gradient descent using the differential approach (2D example), using the perturbation approach (3D example), in a neural network implementation from scratch using only numpy
The goal of this project is to implement the keypoint detector FAST (Features from Accelerated Segment Test) and to track keypoints with the Kanade–Lucas–Tomasi feature tracker.
Image segmentation project. Two architectures implemented: VGG-16 + FCN-8 module and U-Net. For FCN-8, pre-trained weights are used from SSD300. Although it is designed for object detection, its feature extractor can be reused in another task involving similar classes. Linked article explains the full project.
SSD300 implementation with TensorFlow plus re-identification for multi-object tracking
Learning how to do transfert learning and how to properly use an unsupervised pre-training.
Using an Oculus and Leap motion to build a game on Unity to learn Sign Language
Apiquet's Repositories
Deep Learning framework implementation with MSE, ReLU, softmax, linear layer, a feature/label generator and a mini-batch training. The main goal of this repository is to show how to develop a project in C++ by using key concepts of C++: abstract class/interface and inheritance, memory management, smart-pointers, iterator, const expression, etc.
The goal of this project is to build a robot capable of mapping its environment in a 3D simulation view. It uses a neural network for depth estimation deployed on a Jetson Nano. The Jetson is also connected to an Arduino Nano to get the gyro data from its IMU to project the depth values in a 3D world based on the orientation of the robot.
Deep Learning Framework only using numpy: Linear, Convolution, Flatten, Max and Mean Pooling layers, activation functions, Softmax, MSE and Cross Entropy. Useful functions: train, save an load a model to deploy it, get nb of parameters, draw learning curves
The goal of this project is to implement the keypoint detector FAST (Features from Accelerated Segment Test) and to track keypoints with the Kanade–Lucas–Tomasi feature tracker.
SSD300 implementation with TensorFlow plus re-identification for multi-object tracking
Using an Oculus and Leap motion to build a game on Unity to learn Sign Language
Image segmentation project. Two architectures implemented: VGG-16 + FCN-8 module and U-Net. For FCN-8, pre-trained weights are used from SSD300. Although it is designed for object detection, its feature extractor can be reused in another task involving similar classes. Linked article explains the full project.
Implement gradient descent using the differential approach (2D example), using the perturbation approach (3D example), in a neural network implementation from scratch using only numpy
Learning how to do transfert learning and how to properly use an unsupervised pre-training.
K Nearest Neighbour
The goal of the EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne) Robotics Competition is to build an autonomous recycling robot. This robot, built from scratch, must recognizes any bottle (thanks to a camera), catch it, then bring it to a recycling area.
Re-use the feature extractor of a model trained for object detection in a new model designed for Style Transfer
I'm taking part in the EPFL Robotics Competition. We must build an autonomous robot from scratch that recognizes all types of bottles, catches them, and then bring them to a recycling bin. One of my responsibilities is the bottles recognition.
This repository uses Reinforcement Learning techniques to build agents capable of training in different OpenAI Gym environments : Classic control, Box2D and Atari
Implementation of an agent that has to pick up and deliver task in Switzerland. State-based breadth-first search and A* heuristic search algorithms to minimize the cost.
Displaying data on an animated world map in Python and Javascript
This repo shows how to implement a training on CIFAR10 dataset with different Deep Learning frameworks: FastAI, JAX, Keras, MXNet, PaddlePaddle, Pytorch and Pytorch-lightning. An article was written to compare the ease of implementation (user friendly coding, ease of finding information online, etc.), time per epoch, memory and GPU usage, etc.
Siamese network and auxiliary loss: different architectures implemented using weight sharing and auxiliary loss to create a neural network which learns different tasks during the training process. Use of the following concepts: FCN, CNN, SGD, mini-batch, batch normalization, learning rate decay and regularization.
A project to get familiar with Tensorflow and TensorBoard. How to artificially increase our dataset: rotation, zoom, contrast. Creating a generative auto-encoder to "dream" new digits.
Learning how to optimize a CNN, how to feel the good complexity for a model and how to properly regulate it. Learning how to use batch normalization and data generators.
Design of a drawing machine
Using K-means algorithm to compress images (visualizing the impact of K after image's reconstruction)
Neural networks to detect the kindness of sentences: build the dataset (tokenization, word to vector), NN implementation, training and evaluation with F1-score
This repository shows how to get satellite images to build a dataset to train a neural network. It use the MiniFrance land cover dataset, Google-Earth-Engine to download satellite images, and Pytorch to train a neural network.
edition 2 of the slambook
some useful programs
Building a game using Processing software which uses the webcam.