This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 License - see the file for details
The local version of the software is freely available.
OS: Microsoft Windows
- Windows Presentation Foundation - Main application framework
- Entity framework - The database framework used
- HelixToolkit - 3D visualization
- Managed Extensibility Framework - Modular development
- Accord.NET - Linear Algebra and Machine Learning helper
- Caliburn.Micro - Awesome MVVM development framework
- FontAwesomeWPF - Icon provider
- LiteDB - Embedded NoSQL database
- GeoAPI - Coordinate conversion and projection framework
- MoreLinq - Helpful Query Framework
- Extended WPF Toolkit™ - Providing nice UI controls like the AvalonDock
- Math.NET - Math magic
- Alglib - Solving sparse systems of linear equations
To get started with GeoReVi you have to download the executable file GeoReViv1.0.1.exe in the binaries folder and run the installation. Tutorials can be found in the user manual. Exemplary datasets and samples are provided in the docs folders and in the zip archive. To setup a multi-user-environment you have to change the section including the connection string in your GeoReVi.exe.config file in the installation folder to the according database. However, then a properly structured database with many stored procedures is needed. Contact us under for more information.
- Multi-tiered, extendable software application that aims to support geoscientists in common workflows during subsurface characterization
- Geoscientific data management and analysis including petrophysical, geochemical, hydraulic, granulometric, magnetic, mechanical, sedimentary, elastic and radiogenic properties eased by a graphical user interface
- Providing a rich selection of data mining algorithms and visualization techniques specifically aimed to characterize subsurface regions
- scatter charts
- bubble charts
- bar charts
- box-whisker-charts
- semivariogram charts
- ternary charts
- 3D charts
- Semivariogram
- Indicator variogram
- p-value Inverse Distance Weighting
- Simple Kriging
- Ordinary Kriging
- Universal Kriging
- Direct Sequential Simulation
- Leave p-out cross-validation
- Correlation (Spearman and Pearson)
- Regression (linear and curvilinear)
- Principal Component Analysis
- Cluster Analysis
- Self-organizing Maps
Individual view-models and views can be developed and integrated into GeoReVi. If you wish to contribute you can fork the project, make your changes, commit to your repository, and then create a pull request. The development team can then review your contribution and commit it upstream as appropriate.
If you commit a new feature, add [FEATURE] to your commit message AND give a clear description of the new feature.
If bugs or any other issues are identified we would be grateful for reporting those in the Issues or via email.
- Adrian Linsel - Initial work - ApirsAL -
- Thanks go to all the people who contributed to the test data sets of GeoReVi!