These are the Vim runtime files that I use on a daily basis. Feel free to clone, modify, change, add, murder or remove portions of it at will.
Note that I actually use NeoVim, and have been doing so for quite some time now without any compatibility issues.
I used to be a heavy advocate and user of Pathogen by the most excellent Tim Pope, then I switched to Vundle because I got tired of futzing around with git submodules every time I wanted to update or remove a bundle. About a year after using and liking Vundle, I began using neovim in earnest, and found that it was stable enough for my day-to-day usage. Due to some underlying work in neovim, vim-plug is able to take advantage of some parallel execution of installs/updates of the underlying git repositories that make up the collection of plugins, among other several other nice features that are listed in the README.
NOTE: If you have existing files in $HOME/.vim
, $HOME/.vimrc
the neovim equivalents $HOME/.nvim
and $HOME/.nvimrc
, make sure you
take appropriate backups before performing any of the following steps.
- First install Vim-Plug, as per their instructions:
curl -fLo ~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs \
Change the destination to
in the above if you're using NeoVim, of course. This applies to all steps.
- Next, get my vim-dotfiles & symlink the
to your$HOME/.vimrc
$ git clone ~/.vim && ln -s ~/.vim/.vimrc ~/.vimrc
There are several extensions required to make some extensions function correctly. You'll need to install the following to your system:
- fzf: For the best fuzzy file-finding you'll ever use.
- ctags: For the tagbar functionality.
- the_silver_searcher: For a better grep.
- flake8: For Python syntax & PEP8 validation via Syntastic.
Finally, we need to launch Vim and then invoke the appropriate Vim-Plug commands to install all of the bundles using the
And that's it! Be sure to source your newly installed configuration (:source $MYVIMRC
from inside Vim, or just restart a new editor session), and you
should be good to go.
The included .vimrc
contains some very minimal configurations that should be
sane defaults for most developers. Feel free to modify at will, of course. See the
comments in the .vimrc
file for more details, and check out the individual
bundles that are pulled in on github until I decide to annotate & comment on
what each of them do.
And here's a gratuitous screenshot using a fullscreen iTerm window, a few split panes, and the default colorscheme: