
This is a REST Server base for NodeJS using express and other technologies

Primary LanguageJavaScript

REST Server with NodeJS

Template for any use in REST Server. This base is for any use, it implements some characteristics like:

  • Create a user and save it in the MongoDB
  • Everytime the user log-in a JWT is generated for authentication
  • Create, Save, Update and Disable a user, some of this operation the user needs the role ADMIN_ROLE
  • Google Authentication, saving the data in our MongooseDB for future logins
  • Create, Updtae and Disable products and categories with custom values
  • The categories needs JWT auth from a user to work, this save what person creat it in the db.
  • The products also need the JWT and a category where will it belong.
  • You can search any product or category depending on what are you looking for, you can search it by name, description or using a valid MongoID
  • Two functionalities available, you can save your images, videos, etc. on local files or upload it on Cloudinary.


  • bcryptjs: ^2.4.3
  • cloudinary: ^1.30.1
  • cors: ^2.8.5
  • dotenv: ^10.0.0
  • express: ^4.17.1
  • express-fileupload: ^1.4.0
  • express-validator: ^6.13.0
  • google-auth-library: ^8.1.0
  • jsonwebtoken: ^8.5.1
  • mongoose: ^6.0.13
  • uuid: ^8.3.2