This package contains the implementation of a recurisive enum-based TypeInformation
public enum TypeInformation {
/// A scalar type
case scalar(PrimitiveType)
/// A repeated type (set or array), with `TypeInformation` elements
indirect case repeated(element: TypeInformation)
/// A dictionary with primitive keys and `TypeInformation` values
indirect case dictionary(key: PrimitiveType, value: TypeInformation)
/// An optional type with `TypeInformation` wrapped values
indirect case optional(wrappedValue: TypeInformation)
/// An enum type with `String` cases.
indirect case `enum`(name: TypeName, rawValueType: TypeInformation?, cases: [EnumCase], context: Context = .init())
/// An object type with properties containing a `TypeInformation` and a name.
case object(name: TypeName, properties: [TypeProperty], context: Context = .init())
/// A reference to a type information instance
case reference(ReferenceKey)
The enum already conforms to Codable
and Hashable
and provides several other convenience methods that can be found in TypeInformation+Convenience.swift
Currently, it supports the initialization out of an Any type via init(type:) throws
and out of any instance init(value:) throws
using Runtime
for the names
of the properties of the objects. Furthermore, a TypeInformation
instance can be initialized via static func of<B: TypeInformationBuilder>(_ type: Any.Type, with builderType: B.Type) throws -> TypeInformation
where currently the RuntimeBuilder.self
is the only one supported, e.g. try TypeInformation.of(User.self, with: RuntimeBuilder.self)
When constructing the TypeInformation
out of a type, the created instance recursively contains all the types of the properties. Additionally, a
can be used to reference a TypeInformation
instance via store(_ type: TypeInformation) -> TypeInformation
, which returns a .reference
if the passed
type contains an enum
or an object
. The same instance can be reconstructed from the same TypesStore
via construct(from reference: TypeInformation) -> TypeInformation
The ApodiniTypeInformation library uses the Swift Package Manager for dependency management.
Add it to your project's list of dependencies and to the list of dependencies of your target:
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", from: "X.X.X")
targets: [
name: "Your Target",
dependencies: [
.product(name: "ApodiniTypeInformation", "ApodiniTypeInformation")
Contributions to this project are welcome. Please make sure to read the contribution guidelines and the contributor covenant code of conduct first.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See Licenses for more information.