
Compile .mdx files to React components in Meteor

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This package lets you compile .mdx files into a javascript bundle that you can import like a React component.

See the mdx docs for a specification of mdx syntax.


import React from 'react';
import MyMDXFile from 'MyMDXFile.mdx';

function MyComponent(){
  return (


meteor add apollinaire:mdx

Inside a package: in package.js

Package.onUse(function (api) {

Why not .md files?

Because meteor will load and transpile every readme.md from your node modules, and it will take a long time to compile these files. You can still write regular markdown in a .mdx file. You can also clone this repo, and add support for md like this in plugin.js:

   extensions: ['mdx', 'md'],
 }, function compiler() {
   return new MDXCompiler();


Thanks to @benjamn and @klaussner for their help!