
MacBook 自用软件破解(macOS Intel)

Primary LanguageRich Text Format

Crack Apps for My Mac | All File Only Support X86_64 Mac

this repo use for publish the crack file.

Crack by 秋城落叶, All Reserved By QiuChenly.

Update 2022.12.30 Covid-19 我测你吗!

You known, i'm so hard up, can only affordable MBP 16'' 2019 Model, can't afford M1 Mac.I am so sad without money.So the Crack File Just Support X86_64 Mac.

捏麻麻滴 github不让上传大文件 霍史里马 以后更新会考虑在论坛或者个人博客上

吾爱破解围观破解过程:https://www.52pojie.cn/forum.php?mod=forumdisplay&fid=5&filter=typeid&typeid=377 刷屏的用户QiuChenly就是我发的帖子

Add Commander One v3.5.3646

  1. Download from Master WebSite: https://mac.eltima.com/commander-one-download.html
  2. copy "Commander One" file and replace original file.
  3. codesign it.
  4. open it, unlock all functions.

Add "Omi 录屏专家 v1.2.1" & Fig Player 1.2.0

  1. Clear Permission: tccutil reset ScreenCapture com.mac.utility.screen.recorder
  2. copy Omi 录屏专家.app/Fig Player.app to Applications Folder.
  3. codesign it.
  4. open it, unlock all functions.

Add "Record it v1.7.6" Pro

  1. extract app from "Record it.zip"

  2. copy to application folder.

  3. codesign yourself. sudo codesign -f -s - --timestamp=none /Applications/Record it.app

  4. if you won't get Recording Screen Permission, Terminate execute: tccutil reset ScreenCapture

Now Support Bandizip365 v7.19 AppleStore Edition

  1. Extract App from "Bandizip365 v7.19 Crack By QiuChenly.zip".
  2. Copy it to Applications.
  3. If you Can't open it, you need:In Terminal execute the code for your self sign:
sudo codesign -f -s - --timestamp=none /Applications/Bandizip365.app

Now Support PlistEdit Pro v1.10b1

  1. In Terminal execute the code for your self sign:
sudo codesign -f -s - --timestamp=none /Applications/PlistEdit Pro.app

YOU CAN USE IT:"PlistEdit Pro v1.10b1.zip" extract copy to "Applications" and "codesign -f -s - --timestamp=none /Applications/PlistEdit Pro.app", you get it!

Now Support Macs Fan Control v1.5.14

  1. copy "Macs Fan Control" file to your .app folder(.app/MacOS).
  2. in Terminal execute the code for your self sign:
sudo codesign -f -s - --timestamp=none /Applications/Macs\ Fan\ Control.app/Contents/MacOS/Macs\ Fan\ Control
  1. Crack Over!

it safe?

yes, all opensource,you can read this: How To Crack Macs Fan Control?

Now Support Sublime Merge v2080 dev & Sublime Text v4147 Dev Channel

  1. copy "Sublime Merge" or "Sublime Text" file to your .app folder(.app/MacOS/) replace original file.
  2. in Terminal execute the code for your self sign
sudo codesign -f -s - --timestamp=none /Applications/Sublime\ Merge.app


sudo codesign -f -s - --timestamp=none /Applications/Sublime\ Text.app
  1. Crack Ok! now you 'Enter Lincense' Window input "qwer" or any char's you can get activiation!