Level 2 Batch 1 Assignment 10


function divide(a, b) {
  if (b === 0) {
    throw new Error('Division by zero');
  return a / b;

Test Cases:

  1. Valid Division:
    • Test that the function correctly divides two positive numbers.
    • Example: divide(10, 2) should return 5.
  2. Valid Division with Negative Numbers:
    • Test that the function correctly handles division with negative numbers.
    • Example: divide(-10, 2) should return 5.
  3. Division by Zero:
    • Test that the function throws an error when attempting to divide by zero.
    • Example: divide(5, 0) should throw an Error with the message 'Division by zero'.


function executeCallback(callback, taskText) {

function myCallback(taskText) {
  console.log(`Task: ${taskText}`);

// Call executeCallback with a callback function and a task text

executeCallback(myCallback, "Buy groceries");

Test Cases:

  1. Callback Execution:
    • Test that the executeCallback function correctly calls the provided callback function.
  2. Callback Execution with Task Text:
    • Verify that the callback function is executed with the provided taskText argument.
    • Example: When executeCallback(callback, "Buy groceries") is called, ensure that the callback function is invoked with the argument "Buy groceries."


function fetchData() {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    // Simulate an async operation (e.g., fetching data from an API)
    setTimeout(() => {
      const data = { name: 'John', age: 30 };
    }, 1000); // Simulate a 1-second delay

Test Cases:

Successful Data Fetch:

  • Test that the fetchData function resolves with the correct data when the asynchronous operation is successful.
  • For example, you can verify that the function resolves with { name: 'John', age: 30 } when the Promise resolves.

Error Handling:

  • Test how the function handles errors. You can create a modified version of fetchData that rejects the Promise with an error and test that it throws an error.
  • For example, ensure that calling fetchData with a specific argument or configuration correctly rejects the Promise with an error message.

General Guidelines:

  • Use the Vitest or Jest framework to write and run your tests. Make sure your tests are written following the best practices.
  • Comment your code as needed to explain the purpose of your tests and any significant steps you are taking.
  • Ensure that your test cases are independent of each other, meaning the outcome of one test should not affect the others.
  • Aim for comprehensive test coverage, testing both expected behavior and error conditions where applicable.


  • 60 marks: November 12, 2023, 11:59 PM
  • 50 marks: November 13, 2023, 11:59 PM
  • 30 marks: After 13th November, 11.59PM