
Amazing mazes is little game engine created just for fun. Play at https://apollonet.github.io/amazing-mazes/

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Amazing Mazes

Amazing mazes is a little game engine created just for fun.

Play at https://apollonet.github.io/amazing-mazes/

Create a new maze

✎ First, grab a pencil and an eraser and draw your maze on graph paper.

Then, have a look at the /mazes directory for examples.

The Json file

A maze is defined in Json format, with these settings:

name (string, required): name of the maze

authors (string, optional): names of the creators of the maze

light (int, optional):

  • 0: light off the entire maze (default)
  • 1: light on the entire maze

hero (object, optional): See below for detailed informations

cells (array, required): cells of the maze. See below for detailed informations

events (array, required): events attached to cells. See below for detailed informations


You can find unicode icons at Unicode Table or Emojipedia, for instance.

Simply copy / paste. It's just text.


The hero is defined with the following params.

Each one has defaults. Just add the ones you want to override in your json maze file.

name (string, optional, default: "Frodorik"): name of the hero

icon (string, optional, default: 🀺): a unicode icon that represents the hero

hp (int, optional, default: 100): number of health points at start

attacks (array, optional): attacks used in fights

objects (array, optional): objects the hero has got


Attacks is an array of objects. Each one contains :

name (string, required): name of the attack

hp (int, required): hp damages

icon (string, optional, default: hero icon): icon of the attack

Defaults are stored in the /js/config.attacks.js file


Objects is an array of objects. Each one contains :

name (string, required): name of the object

icon (string, required): icon of the object


cells is an array of arrays. Each sub-array is a row. In each row, each item is a cell, defined by a string. That string defines the walls of the cell. It can only contain four letters:

  • t for Top
  • r for Right
  • b for Bottom
  • l for Left

For instance, a cell with tbl will have walls at its top, bottom and left sides.

And here is a little maze that has 3 rows and 3 columns:

"cells": [
    ["tl", "tb", "tr"],
    ["rl", "trl", "rl"],
    ["bl", "rb", "rbl"]


Each event will be attached to a cell. It is used for different purposes. It is defined like this:

r (int, required): row of the cell the event will be attached to.

c (int, required): column of the cell will be attached to. Starts at zero too.

For rows and columns, we start counting at zero. It is real computer programming here ;-)

type (string, required): see below for detailed informations

message (string, required): the message displayed when the hero comes to that event's cell. HTML markup libe <br> can be used here.

icon (string, optional): a unicode icon displayed when the hero comes to that event's cell.

visible (int, optional, default: 1):

  • 0: the icon of the event is not visible on the maze
  • 1: the icon is visible

once (int, optional, default: 1):

  • 0: the event occurs each time the hero comes to that event's cell
  • 1: the event occurs only one time

Event types

start: defines where the game starts

win: defines where the game ends

fight: fight an opponent

learn: learn an attack

light: switches the lights of the entire maze on or off

message: display a message

metrix: changes a metrix value (only "hp" for the moment). See details below.

move: moves the hero to another cell

mutate: transforms the hero's name, icon and hp

object: adds an object to the hero's objects

over: game over

protected: the hero can only come on this cell if he has got the appropriate object

question: the hero can only come on this cell if he answers the question properly

reveal: switches the lights on of the some cells

Required events

Only start and win events are mandatory to create a simple maze game.

Start event

The start event is used on the cell where the game starts.

Only one start event is allowed.


"r": 3,
"c": 4,
"type": "start",
"message": "Find the hidden treasure"

The game starts at the cell at the 4th row, 5th column.

The message "Find the hidden treasure" is displayed along with the default icon.

Win event

The win event is used on the cell where the game is won.

There could be multiple win events.


"r": 8,
"c": 13,
"type": "win",
"message": "You found the hidden treasure",
"icon": "πŸ‘‘"

The game is won when the hero arrives at the cell at the 9th row, 14th column.

The message "πŸ‘‘ You found the hidden treasure" is displayed.

The game is over: play again or choose another maze...

Fight event

Well, this is not just a maze game.


opponent (string, required): name of the opponent

icon (string, required): icon of the opponent

hp (int, required): health points of the opponent

whoplays (string, optional, default: "hero"): who attack first, "opponent" or "hero"

attacks (array, optional): attacks of the opponent

rewards (array, optional): events triggered when the opponent is defeated


Each attack is an object defined with:

name (string, required): name of the attack

hp (int, required): number of health points inflicted

icon (string, optional, default: opponent icon): icon of the attack


Each reward is an event object: metrix, object, or whatever you want to happen when the opponent is defeated.

Reward events don't need r, c and once params.


"r": 3,
"c": 0,
"type": "fight",
"message": "You woke up a dragon",
"opponent": "Dragon",
"icon": "πŸ‰",
"hp": 100,
"attacks": [
    "name": "Red fire",
    "hp": 50
    "name": "Tail stroke",
    "hp": 10
"rewards": [
    "type": "metrix",
    "message": "You found a Broccoli",
    "metrix": "hp",
    "effect": "earn",
    "points": 20,
    "icon": "πŸ₯¦"

At cell at 4th row, 1st column, you enter the fight mode.

The message "πŸ‰ You woke up a dragon" is displayed.

The opponent is Dragon, it has 100 hp. Its attacks are "Red fire" that inflicts 50 hp, and "Tail stroke" that inflicts 10 hp.

When the opponent is defeated, the message "πŸ₯¦ You found a Broccoli" is displayed. And the hero earn 20 hp.

Learn event

This event is used to add an attack to the hero.


attack (object, required): The attack learnt

The attack object is defined with:

name (string, required): Name of the attack

hp (int, required): HP damages


"r": 5,
"c": 1,
"type": "learn",
"message": "You learnt a new attack",
"attack": {
  "name": "Croco punch",
  "hp": 20

At cell at 6th row, 2nd column, the hero learns the attack "Croco punch" that inflicts 20 hp damages.

Light event

Switch on/off the entire maze.


"r": 0,
"c": 3,
"type": "light",
"once": 0

At cell at 1st row, 4th column, the light of the entire maze is switched on/off.

But the cells where the hero already passed are still visible.

This is the same light that was defined at the top of the settings.

Message event

The message event can be used to display a message written on a paper that was found, a warning displayed on a sign, etc...


"r": 4,
"c": 3,
"type": "message",
"message": "Beware of the dragon",
"icon": "πŸ–Ή"

At cell at the 5th row, 4th column, the message "πŸ–Ή Beware of the dragon" is displayed.

Metrix event

It is used to add or remove some hp to the hero.


metrix (string, required): Values can only be hp for the moment

effect (string, required): Values can be earn or lose

points (int, required): How many points are gained or losen on which metrix


"r": 1,
"c": 0,
"type": "metrix",
"message": "You found a Talisman",
"metrix": "hp",
"effect": "earn",
"points": 5,
"icon": "πŸ‰€"

At cell 2nd row and 1st column, the message displayed is "πŸ‰€ You found a Talisman".

And the hero earn 5 hp.

Move event

This event can be used as a fall, a teleportation...


"r": 2,
"c": 2,
"type": "move",
"message": "You teleported",
"to": {
  "r": 3,
  "c": 8
"icon": "πŸ—²",
"once": 0

At cell that is at 3rd row, 3rd column , the hero is moved to the cell at the 5th row and 9th column.

The message "πŸ—² You teleported" is displayed.

The event is not triggered once. If the hero returns to this cell, the event occurs again: hero is moved, message is displayed...

Mutate event

This event is used to transform the hero's name, icon, hp and attacks.


hero (object): Same params as the top definition of the hero.

It needs name, icon, hp and attacks.


"r": 6,
"c": 0,
"type": "mutate",
"message": "You're now a tiger",
"icon": "πŸ…",
"hero": {
  "name": "Tiger",
  "icon": "πŸ…",
  "hp": 200,
  "attacks": [
      "name": "Claw",
      "hp": 30
      "name": "Bite",
      "hp": 40

At cell at 7th row, 1st column, the hero mutate to a tiger, cleverly named "Tiger".

Their icon is πŸ… and they have 200 HP and a two attacks : "Claw" and "Bite".

The message displayed is "πŸ… You're now a tiger".

Object event

The object event is used to add an object to the hero's objects.


object (object, required)

The object object (!) has these params :

type (string, required): the object type

name (string, required): the object name

icon (string, required): the object icon


"r": 2,
"c": 3,
"type": "object",
"message": "You found a torch and see further",
"object": {
  "type": "torch",
  "name": "candle",
  "icon": "πŸ•―"

A πŸ•― candle, of type "torch", is added to the hero objects when he comes on the cell at the 3rd row, 4th column.

There are some special objects, see below for detailed informations.

Over event

This is the game over event.


"r": 2,
"c": 8,
"type": "over",
"message": "Argh. This liquor was poisoned",
"icon": "🍢"

At cell at 3rd row, 9th column, the game ends with the message "🍢 Argh. This liquor was poisoned".

Protected event

The protected event can be used to lock cells that are reachable only if the hero has got a certain object, or a certain attack.

The simple usage is: a cell is locked behind a door, it needs a key to be unlocked.


success (object, required): what is needed to unlock and what happens what it's done

The success object is defined like :

object (string, optional): the object's (exact same) type that can unlock this protected cell

attack (string, optional): the attack's (exact same) name that can unlock this protected cell

message (string, required): the message to display when it's unlocked

icon (string, required): the icon to display when it's unlocked

Either object or attack is required.


"r": 8,
"c": 6,
"type": "protected",
"message": "The door is locked. You should find a key",
"icon": "πŸšͺ",
"success": {
  "object": "old key",
  "message": "You unlocked the door with the old key",
  "icon": "πŸ—"

The cell at 9th row, 7th column is not reachable if you don't have the old key object.

If you try to move there, the message "πŸšͺ The door is locked. You should find a key" is displayed.

But if you have found the old key, you move there and the message "πŸ— You unlocked the door with the old key" is displayed.

Of course, an object event was used elsewhere in the maze, with the old key object. Something lihe this :

"r": 2,
"c": 2,
"type": "object",
"message": "You found an old key",
"icon": "πŸ—",
"object": {
  "type": "old key",
  "name": "old key",
  "icon": "πŸ—"

Question event

This event is used to ask the hero a question. If they answer properly, they can pass.


success (object, required): expected answer and icon and message displayed if answer is correct

failure (object, required): icon and message displayed if answer is not correct

rewards (object, optional): see the fight event for details

Both success and failure objects must contain those params:

message (string, required)

icon (string, required)

The success object also needs :

answers (array, required): right answers to the question

⚠ The answer is not case sensitive. Ie: 'Horcrux' will match 'HORCRUX' or 'horcrux'


"r": 3,
"c": 7,
"type": "question",
"message": "What's your animal name?",
"icon": "🧝",
"once": 1,
"success": {
  "answers": ["tiger", "big cat"],
  "message": "Right answer, you can pass",
  "icon": "πŸ…"
"failure": {
  "message": "Wrong answer, you shall not pass",
  "icon": "🧝"
"rewards": [
    "type": "metrix",
    "message": "Here is an old Talisman, it will help you in your quest",
    "metrix": "hp",
    "effect": "earn",
    "points": 20,
    "icon": "πŸ‰₯"

Reveal event

It can be used to light on arbitrary cells : a room, a corridor...


cells (array, required): Each item of this array is an object that defines a cell with its row (r) and column (c)


"r": 8,
"c": 7,
"type": "reveal",
"message": "A big fire lit in the middle of the room",
"icon": "πŸ”₯",
"cells": [
  {"r": 7, "c": 8},
  {"r": 7, "c": 9},
  {"r": 7, "c": 10},
  {"r": 8, "c": 8},
  {"r": 8, "c": 9},
  {"r": 8, "c": 10},
  {"r": 9, "c": 8},
  {"r": 9, "c": 9},
  {"r": 9, "c": 10}

When the hero is on the cell at 9th row, 8th column, the "room" defined by the cells array are lit.

Special objects

  • torch: lights on the cells nearby the current one.

Random events

Add random events with a randomEvents array in your json config file.


"randomEvents": [
    'type': 'message',
    'message': 'There are footprints on the ground',
    'icon': 'πŸ‘£'
    'type': 'metrix',
    'message': 'An little ogre tried to catch you',
    'icon': 'πŸ‘Ή',
    'metrix': 'hp',
    'effect': 'lose',
    'points': 3


Each string written in your json file can be translated to the languages you want: messages, attack names...

There are defaults translations, see the /js/config.translations.js file.

Adding yours is optional.


"translations": {
  "You woke up a dragon": {
    "fr": "Tu as rΓ©veillΓ© un dragon"
  "Red fire": {
    "fr": "Feu rouge"
  "You found a Broccoli": {
    "fr": "Tu as trouvΓ© un Broccoli"

Add a new maze to the game

Add your maze to the /js/config.mazefiles.js.


There a TODO.md file next to this README.md file. Just sayin.


This little work is under GNU GPLv3 licence.