
FIXED: Push Connection (WS-MQTT) not working correctly since 29.09.2021

Closed this issue ยท 49 comments

It seems that Amazon broke or changed something - we will see this in some days ... The push connection is not able to connect.

if you are experienced in network analyssis (wireshark or such) please contact me

If you are a user affected by the issue please DO NOT post a "mee too" comment, but "thumbs up" here please

Did you already do an analysis? I don't have a dev environment for NodeJS available but might be of help. Is there a problem with the connection itself or with the data going through the websocket?

If I read it correctly, then Alexa uses TLS over HTTPS and expects a specific certificate for https://dp-gw-na... - which would make a MITM analyis for the data quite hard.

If you would like some outside opinion on what you already did, feel free to contact me.

There are first international reports that it starts working again. For me personally it is right now not yet working ... but lets wait ...

I use https://github.com/cakebake/node-red-contrib-alexa-remote-cakebaked and I swore I saw it working for a second about a minute ago, but I force restarted my flows and now it isn't...I will keep you posted if anything changes. USA fyi

Ok, bei meinem System (รผber) NodeRed lรคuft es noch nicht. Was sich geรคndert hat ist der Zustand vom disconnect Node. Von true auf false. Also passiert ist etwas.

matten matten

I just had the blue spinning circle on mine in the UK, checked and no data coming in to the activity node and in HASS Dev Tools there is still a long delay (30 - 60 Secs) to show the last called info (timestamp, summary and last_called true/false)

I saw some payloads come in mine on the US feed around 6 to 930 am EST but than it stopped. I also noticed that the payload.activityStatus was missing which I was using so seems some payload changes may be occurring as well.

Its back up for me now currently 12 pm EST US. I had to update my flows to stop using payload.activityStatus

I am seeing my "last called", "last called timestamp", "last called summary" and "media position" updating quickly in Home Assistant now when I talk to her, the "on activity", "volume change" options from the Alexa Event node is doing nothing still

It seems to be back up and running for me now. USA

Bei mir lรคuft es jetzt auch wieder.

In Italy too it seems to be back online! Yep!

Germany also ... I had zwo errors but third reconnect try worked ... so seems really Amazon issue ... puuhhhh :-)

I will leave here open for reference for some days

It appears to be back down again in US.

... also for me ... no idea why they do there

It appears to be working here (UK) where it was broken a few days ago. No need to re-init (i have node red do that every 4 hours anyway)....

It is still working for me (US)

Ok, for me (DE) also working again on first try

I can confirm that in the UK mine has been on and off for the last 3 day.
I've stopped trying to fix it since i realized it seems intermittent issue rather than broken flow on my end

Last night status = down
Current status = working ok.

Seems to be down again for me. /sigh

Down for me again to since teatime yesterday

Also down for me now. Cookie refresh doesn't help.

Yes seems they broke or changed it again.

We are on it already ... when all works out maybe tomorrow night. Can't promise anything

just confirming US dead as well for me

with the new code it is working now with nodered. I have forked a nodered repo and used your new code on this github.

I do not intend to manage issues, so maybe people are better to wait for the other node-red forks. Just wanted to update you.

@MattL0 be patient please ... I'm still in testing phase ...

Ok, a new version of the library is released and is 4.x now.
There are two reasons for the major increase:

  1. Nodejs 10.x support is dropped
  2. in order for the new push notification to work you need to also persist the new key macDms which is returned on cookie refresh (callback in object or third parameter of "cookie" event). And this needs to be provided in options struct when calling the library.
    On first start with new library there should be an automatic refresh of cookies to return the new fields, so there is an "migration path".

I don't understand what I need to do in order to get my cakebacked back to working....

@obaldius I would say: Wait for the developer to do whatsever needed

I don't understand what I need to do in order to get my cakebacked back to working....

I think the owners of the node-red-contrib-alexa-remote2-applestrudel / cakebaked forks will have to incorporate @Apollon77 's changes, so we will just have to be patient. That's my understanding, anyway...

I feel your frustration though! :)

I'll update applestrudel later today. Thanks for your hard work @Apollon77

Thank you both! Makes a huge difference to my day to day life!

It is reworking here โ€˜โ€™ as isโ€™โ€™
Only the library change was done. Maybe I am missing something, or the first alexa-remote2 on nodered code was able to adapt maybe the new cookie is ok. But Will wait for version applestrudel version :)

Here is a view of my cookies file. There seems to be the info needed .

@quadhammer and @Apollon77 thanks and sorry for the misunderstanding. I hope cakebaked updates soon.

I don't understand what do I do to upgrade my cakebaked version to the Apollon77 version ......


I think the owners of the node-red-contrib-alexa-remote2-applestrudel / cakebaked forks will have to incorporate @Apollon77 's changes, so we will just have to be patient. That's my understanding, anyway...

I feel your frustration though! :)

For any NR users, I would recommend an in place upgrade via npm versus the palette manager to applestrudel as that version has it working again. Here is a quick guide that I followed: https://tech.scargill.net/node-red-contrib-alexa-cakebaked/

Seems like it is broken again for me using applestrudel in NR (US)

Without any log I can not see anything - the library itself from me accets a logger function ... no idea how this logging can be forced by the node-red node

Yeah I am not too sure either how to force it. Maybe @bbindreiter or @cakebake might know?

Edit: It is back working again after changing nothing... I can't even imagine how frustrating this must be for you guys.

The Applestrudel versionmade the very same adjustment as me (update the alexa-remote2 dependency only) so I guess I can keep my version.

Thanks a lot for your work @Apollon77

For any NR users, I would recommend an in place upgrade via npm versus the palette manager to applestrudel as that version has it working again. Here is a quick guide that I followed: https://tech.scargill.net/node-red-contrib-alexa-cakebaked/

I just updated via the palette manager inside Node Red, and Applestrudel is working again! Yay! :D

Edit: had to login to get a new cookie, but otherwise no changes needed.

But for future reference, where is the NPM command line thing located? I'm running Node Red inside Home Assistant inside a VM, so it that something that's even possible?


But for future reference, where is the NPM command line thing located? I'm running Node Red inside Home Assistant inside a VM, so it that something that's even possible?

Not sure about that specific setup, but on my setup I was just running it from my .node-red directory. Updating via palette manager is fine if you are just updating the version, but if you are changing from cakebaked to applestrudel or vice versa, then using the palette manager will break a lot of your flows.

It is far easier to do it via npm . But here is the method to do it via nodered ui.

The simplest way to update to a diff contrib via palette manager is :
1- Export ALL your tab into a json via export function of nodered (copy it into notepad).
2- Delete all your Nodered Tabs.
3- Delete alexaremote config node but take a screenshot before.
4- Remove old Alexa-remote contrib from the palette manager.
5- Install the new Alexa-remote package from palette manager .
6- Import json to recover your flows (see json from #1).
7- redo setup to initiate account.

You can also export import only flow related to alexa-remote but it is more error prone.

Yeah while that is technically the "simplest" I would in no way call that simple, especially if you have multiple flows. The NPM method (cakebaked to applestrudel):

  1. Locate and cd to the node-red home directory
  2. npm remove node-red-contrib-alexa-cakebaked
  3. npm install node-red-contrib-alexa-remote2-applestrudel
  4. Restart Node-RED

I just release 4.0.2 with some tweaks and optimizations in timing for oush connection and also history retrieval

I just updated Applestrudel via npm and Device Activity is firing again! Thank you @Apollon77 and @bbindreiter for your efforts!