kubectl tool reinvented to be more reactive and interactive
I felt that the output from kubectl get pod -w is very cluttered and it is a pain in my ass to understand which pod is running, which pod is exactly terminating so I built kubelive which updates the status of the pods in realtime without cluttering the terminal
- node v10 or higher
npm install -g kubelive
- List the pods in the cluster
kubelive get pods
- List the services in the cluster
kubelive get services
- List the replication controllers in the cluster
kubelive get replicationcontrollers
- List the nodes in the cluster
kubelive get nodes
- List the pods in the cluster in a jiffy
You can use the ⬅️ and ➡️ keys to switch between available namespaces
You can use the ⬆️ and ⬇️ keys to select a pod
You can press the D key to delete the selected pod
You can press the C key to copy the name of the selected pod
You can press the Q key to quit the app
- Add support for pods
- Add support por nodes, services, replication controllers
- Add support for ingress, deployments, replica sets
- Show live logs from pods
- Shell into a running pod
- Add support for filter by name flag
- Add support for refresh rate flag
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MIT © Ameer Jhan