
This repo is meant for students who attended our "Get to Git" event and the world of FOSS as an exercise to using Git/GitHub.

Primary LanguageC++


If you have never contributed to an open source project before, and you’re just getting started, I'm willing to hold your hand, so you can make your first contribution.

How to contribute to just add your name?

  1. Fork the repo
  2. Clone the forked repo : git clone URL
  3. Go to that repo on your machine
  4. Add your name and level to the file : contributors.md
  5. Add the modified file : git add contributors.md
  6. Committing the staged file : git commit -m "[Name] is contributing"
    • E.g, git commit -m "Salma is contributing"
  7. Push it to the main remote branch : git push origin main
  8. Open your forked repo on GitHub and click on pull request
  9. Create pull request and wait for your changes to get merged.

How to contribute to solve a bug?

  1. Fork the repo
  2. Clone the forked repo
  3. Go to that repo on your machine
  4. Solve a bug
  5. Add the modified file
  6. Committing the staged file
  7. Push it to the get-to-git-1 remote repo
  8. Open your forked repo on GitHub and click on pull request
  9. Click on Create pull request button and add a descriptive title and message of your changes and click on Create pull request wait for your changes to get merged.

Find the Bug and fix it, You can do it!!


A calculator that supports one operation at a time simple mode or multiple operations at a time complex mode.

A program that reverse numbers.

Let's play FizzBuzz.
We count from 1 to any number you want, we print Fizz if the number is divisible by 3, Buzz if the number is divisible by 5, and FizzBuzz if the number is divisible by both 3 and 5, otherwise we print the number.

I'm a random number between 1 and 100, can you find me?
use binary search to find me.

A program that displays the average score for students courses grades.

A program that displays the prime factors of a number.

A program to find the shortest path between the start and end node.

Given a string s containing just the characters '(', ')' determine if the input string is balanced

Test cases :

( ( ) ) -> balanced

( ( ( ) -> not balanced

Given a number n print the number of its devisors.

Constraints : n is up to 1e12

Given 2 integers n, q and array of size n and q query, each query will contain 2 numbers a and b

for each query print the sum of elements between those 2 indices

Constraints :

1 <= n , q <= 1e6

1 =< a , b <= 1e9