
My solution implementation of devops assignment along with outputs.

Primary LanguageShell

Devops Assignment

Below is the questions description and solution for them along with the output generated for those questions.

Question 1 - Log File Analysis


Write a Bash script that analyzes a server log file and extracts useful statistics and information, demonstrating your ability to manipulate file data and effectively utilize Bash commands.


  • Features Implemented:

    • Total Requests Count: Output the total number of requests in the log file.
    • Percentage of Successful Requests: Calculate and print the percentage of successful requests (HTTP status codes in the range 200-299).
    • Most Active User: Display the IP address of the user who made the most requests.
  • Output Format: The output should be formatted clearly and readable. Each piece of information should be prefixed with a descriptive label.


Please refer question1.sh file above

Basic folder structure: 3 scripts, 1 sub-directory and a text file with server logs


Upon execution of solution script:


Question 2 - Extract and Count File Types


Write a script that counts and lists how many files of each type are present in a given directory.


  • Features Implemented:

    • Traverse a specified directory recursively.
    • Identify file types based on file extensions.
    • Count and list the number of files for each file type.
  • Output Format: Display a sorted list of file types along with their counts.


Please refer question2.sh file above

Basic folder structure: 1 sub-directory with different kind of files to count.


Upon execution of solution script:


Question 3 - Check Service Status


Develop a script that checks if a specific system service (like Apache or SSH) is running and reports its status.


  • Features Implemented:

    • Accept the service name as a command line argument.
    • Use system commands to check if the service is active and running.
    • Output the current status of the service.
  • Output Format: Clearly state whether the specified service is running or not.


Please refer question3.sh file above

system processes used here: I have used the basic system processes like cron, MySQL(Database Server), Network Manager and ssh.

Upon execution of solution script:
