
Twitter Bot made using Tweepy

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Twitter Bot made using Tweepy in Python

What does this bot do?

The bot will reply to every tweet in which it got mentioned with a specific hashtag(#qod). The reply will be in the form of an image with a quote written on it.


Checkout @Zeal_Quote on Twitter to try it out!

Major Libraries

  • Flask
  • pillow
  • requests
  • requests-oauthlib
  • tweepy
  • urllib3

Detailed Blog Link

Here's the complete link for the article, explaining each and every step - https://auth0.com/blog/how-to-make-a-twitter-bot-in-python-using-tweepy/. It also includes deployment process to AWS elastic beanstalk

I have stored credentials in a credentials.py file in the following format:


You can choose to store it in any other format as well.