
IIIT PreCog'19 task of building K movie recommendation system

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Movie Recommendation System (IIITD PreCog'19)

The project explores three different algorithms to recommend K movies provided that user has already rated some movies. The dataset used has been downloaded from (http://files.grouplens.org/datasets/movielens/ml-latest-small.zip) which contained movies along with ratings according to different users. A web scraping script has been used to scrape about 780 movies from IMDB containing particulars about title, year of release, thumbnail, IMDB rating and Synopsis.

Getting Started

Install all the requirements using

pip install requirements.txt

Run the application using

python app.py

File Structure


The data was scraped from IMDB website and uploaded on mLab and the whole execution was carried out using Heroku.


The dataset used is a subsample of original Movielens dataset containing data of about 780 movies. The datafiles include-

  • IIITDPreCog_movies - Title of movies mapped with movieId.
  • IIITDPreCog_ratings - movieId mapped with user ratings.
  • IIITDPreCog_IMDB_scraped - Scraped data from IMDB website containing Title,year of release, IMDB rating, thumbnail and Synopsis.