
Your Financial Dashboard App

Developers 👷

Melinda Sava, Filipa Spajic, Vanessa Martinez, Sascha Kasapovski, Emma Franzén

Table of contents 📋

Description ✏️

A functioning app with a sign-up page where you can search, favorite, unfavorite and show stock tickers last price and evolution while signed in. When selecting a ticker a graph will show you the stock evolution either by day, month or year, as well as news related to chosen ticker. The app can be customized after a specific client's company and it also has a company chat. Eventually a few more features like a more polished admin page will be added in the future.

Demo 📸



Features ✨

List of features available:

  • Account page, sign up/sign in
  • Company sign in with assigned styles
  • Search for tickers
  • Favorite/Unfavorite tickers
  • Shows closing price and graph for selected and followed tickes
  • Graph customization by day, month, year and time period
  • Shows highest and lowest price sold for the selected interval
  • News articles related to ticker which link to the original source
  • Comment section per company with save, edit and remove function

Future Features 🔮

List of features to be added:

  • Candelstick graph
  • Dark mode
  • Polished admin page
  • More customizations available for users in account settings
  • Upload profile picture feature
  • More default profile pictures with color variation to choose from
  • Statistics for tickers and news on home page
  • Trending tickers
  • More graphs
  • Crypto currency API

Project Status 📃

Functioning app with a good deal of features

Technologies 🛠


  • HTML5
  • CSS 3
  • Javascript



Prototype sites: